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Spotlight Game

FTF Clan vs Holy Clan | Date: July 21 | Comments: MFO Forum

Rating: Must See!

Players: FTF_Gladiator(Mongol), FTF_Unknown(Hun), FTF_ZenGraffix(Spanish)
Against: Holy_Cerberus(Celt), Holy_Disciple(Goth), Holy_Griffon /w Holy_Boozer(Mongol)

Pre-Note: I would like to congratulate all the FTF players that played this game for beating such a tough opponents and also showing their steady improvements. We wouldn't have come this far without each other.

- FTF_Leon

This game combines a great deal of actions. Don't wanna ruin the fun for you guys. Watch it and see from all the FTF members.

- thx to MFO for the game storage :)

Zone Rated Games

1st Official Zone Rated Game

Players: FTF_Gladiator(Briton), FTF_Leon(Mongol), FTF_Sniper(Frank)
Against: BOH_Rialmo(Mongol), _ImpK_Timber(Persian), Canadian Siege(Persian)

Dum Dum Dum Dong, our first official zone rated game upload. The map was oasis. It was an awesome game as FTF_Gladiator & FTF_Sniper teamed up and fought a well communicated battle against the other two. Sniper came back after being flushed by two of the ops and then we started ganging up on the last guy. Great game.

- FTF_Leon

FTF vs KS: Rated Game, May 30th.

Players: FTF_Gladiator(Chinese), FTF_Leon(Viking), FTF_Unknown(Hun)
Against: KS_Skee(Celt), KS_Hyde(Hun), KS_The_Queen(Vikings)

Nice Oasis battle with good mix of units supporting each team. Gladiator did a nice skirm flush and Unknown did a great job blocking off Hyde's sneak attack and holding off his troops. Great game to watch. GJ all.

- FTF_Leon

FTF_Gladiator vs DLWLadi, Rated Game, June 11th.

Players: FTF_Gladiator(Chinese)
Against: DLWLadi(Mongol)

Gladiator lost some valuable time at start because he didn't fuedal upgrade fast enough. DLWLadi did an excellent mongol power rush with 3 ranges and managed to stop glad's skirms rush. Excellent units control by both side. DLWLadi picked an excellent place to drop his castle before imping, and during their imping phase, DLWLadi had the upperhand after dropping his castle in between gladiator's two tcs. At imperial age, glad stepped up in a big way and managed to kill his opponent's front base/troops and started hitting his opponent on both sides. Amazing game. GJ Glad ^^.

- FTF_Leon

Friendly Game Highlights

Friendly Game

Players: FTF_Gladiator(Teuton), FTF_Sniper(Viking), FTF_Unknown(Hun)
Against: aSolidENG{JADE} coop GD_Deleader(Aztec), Rocky316(Briton), MicArthur[Jade] coop ~JD~ ette(Chinese).

All the FTF members went fast castle against their ops. Sniper got flushed but he did a nice job defending until the pocket guy showed up with his knights. While Sniper was defending off his flush, Unknown took over his closest opposition's base *completely* and then started helping out Sniper. Gladiator went for mass champs and took out enemy pocket's base with little or no resistance. With one guy remaining in the opposition, the last HUGE battle took place as two sides collided with each other. At last, this non-stop heartboiling game was over and we prevailed! Great game.

Can ya Feel The Force yet?

- FTF_Leon

Friendly Game

Players: FTF_Gladiator(Chinese), FTF_Leon(Briton)
Against: Lord_Alexander coop CraftyDevil, Dr_Napalm(Franks)

Both of us flushed against our opposition, glad's op went for castle after using towers to defend his resources, and my op went for a late castle after defending from my flush. Their scores were higher than us throughout the game until we finally pulled ourselves together and beat them in castle.

- FTF_Leon

Demo Games

On the Road to Expert: TC ! Day 1- Map Analysis

Rating: Worth Watching

DaRq_DarkJihad, the clan leader of DaRq, takes time to record and explain one of the most cruicial part of game - scouting and map analaysis.

- courtesy of MFO