Glossop Family History

Hi my name is Kim May (nee Glossop) and this is my family tree. I have researched families since about 1997 and I am interested in finding all Glossop's who originated from Derbyshire. If you have any info you want to add to my page or if you want me to link to yours you can email me at You will also find other family tree's amongst my pages and a Surname Interest page where everyone can add their interests. Check it out! You might find someone researching the same name. I also offer free look up's for anyone interested in the resources I own or have access to. I hope you enjoy my web site and I will try to update pages as information comes to hand but email me if you find something of interest and I will see what else I can add to it as I do have plenty of information that is not yet on my site. Thanks to Trevor Glossop for allowing me to use some of his info, Wayne Jones and Ian Marr for allowing me to link to their pages and Phil Unwin for taking some great photo's for me..........

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Kim May
