
PLEASE don't copy this word for word for your site.  I have no rights to this information since it IS public...but please let me know if you'd like to use it.
Full name: Matthew Aaron Caplan

Birthday: 7/18/79

Birthplace: Manhattan, NYC

Current Residence:
Nowhere, baby

Fave color:
Too hard...maybe purple or blue

Fave food(s): Ice cream, funnel cakes

Fave book(s): Bible

Fave Songs(s): WAY TOO HARD

Fave movie(s): Maybe Back to the future, Neverending story

Fave animal(s): Too hard...merecat, panther, dolphin, any spider

What CD's are in your player right now?
Ani Difranco (old school)

If you were stranded on a desert island, what THREE items would you take? Guitar, strings, swiss army knife

What (if any) are some of you dream roles? Tommy, Either male in Chess, Judas in J.C..., Floyd or Homer in Floyd Collins

Ideally, where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Securely supported by my art

Former career aspirations: Acrobat

Hobbies: Music

Faults: Insecurity

Fears: Rejection

Things that never fail to make you laugh:
Monty Python, Whose line..., MST 3K

If you could have ANYONE to dinner (past or present) who would it be?

What did you sing for your [RENT] audition?
Angels of the Silences (Counting Crows)

If given the option, would you prefer to play Mark or Roger?
Too wierd to answer

Which song, if any, was the most challenging for you?
Hard to say...sometimes none, sometimes all of them.

What is your favorite song from the show? What You Own

What do you (honestly) think of RENTheads? Love, respect, kinship.

Have you met any celebrities due to being in RENT? A few...not really important though

If you weren't in RENT, what would you be doing? Music

We read on a web site that you rushed once...almost by accident.  What did you think of it?
It was amazing and worth every bitter cold hour

Would you do it again? Yep

What was your favorite part of being in a touring company? Seeing this crazy ass country

Least favorite? Bound to the same people & (occasionaly) to a crappy transportation

How long did you work on your solo CD? 3 years to write, 1 day of recording

What's your fave song from the CD? Too hard...Road Less Traveled is a great starter, though

What's your favotire song that ISN'T on the CD? Too hard again...maybe "goodbye" or "autograph"

Are you planning on adding the other tracks to a CD? Yes, about 7 more

If you were an element, what would you be and why? Plutonium.  Cause I'm Radioactive, baby

If you were a circus performer, what would you be and why? Trapeze artist.  It was the first thing I wanted to be when I was younger

If you were an animal, which would you be? Too hard...maybe a merecat or a panther, or a dolphin

What are the characteristics you most admire in the opposite sex?
Intelligence, security, talent