Hermann Hesse - My FAVORITE writer! Truly a beautiful person....I wish I could come up with stuff half as beautiful as his. Very insightful, introspective, basically, he usually writes about the conscience, and life crap, etc....Anything by him is DEFINITELY worth reading!!! (Especially Demian)
Mervyn Peake - The Gormenghast Trilogy is one of the most wonderful, beautiful pieces of literature ever written. Section 75 of The second book "Gormenghast" is Fuchsia's tragic departure described in the CuRe song "Drowning Man" on the Faith record. So elaborately detailed down to the last word, Peake definitely has a wonderful way with words.
Charles Baudelaire - An absolutely AMAZING poet that wrote Eyes Of The Poor, which was the inspirations for the CuRe's How Beautiful You are on The Kiss Me record. Although he wrote so long ago, his style still continues to touch people in such a truthful and insightful way.
Neil Gaiman - The genius creator of SANDMAN, the most gorgeous graphic novel/comic book series ever made!! Its about elements and worlds that we aren't able to comprehend in our waking existence. When reading, it sucks you in and takes you away to a dreaming place... He is also the master of highly poetic novels, including "Neverwhere", which has inspired me very much.
Edgar Allen Poe - The mastermind behind stories such as The Tell Tale Heart and The Pit And The Pendulum, along with many poems. This was one fucked up guy....
Albert Camus - Wrote The Stranger, which is the inspiration for the CuRe's Killimg An Arab. Very introverted style. Very descriptive. etc....
Jhonen Vasquez - A comic book hero. Works include: Johnny The Homocidal Maniac, I Feel Sick, Squee, Invader Zim etc, etc... He's associated with Slave Labor Graphics....
Franz Kafka - Wrote the short story At Night, which inspired the song from the CuRe on their Seventeen Seconds record. His stories make you think....
HP Lovecraft - Brilliant writer of poetry and short stories, including one of my favorites "The Beast In The Cave". This man is a master!! The linked website is AWESOME!!
J.D. Salinger - Wrote "Nine Stories" book which contains "Its A Perfect Day For Bananafish" that inspired the CuRe B-side "Bananafishbones". Also includes Teddy and The Laughing Man. This man was very absurd!
Francesca Lia Block - Writes cute, inspiring novels directed for teen girls. Cute style. Good imagination. "Violet And Claire" ~ highly recommended!!!!
Penelope Farmer - Author of Charlotte Sometimes that inspired the CuRe song as well... Its a childrens book about a girl who wakes up in her boarding school as a girl from 40 years before.....Very moving. The Summer Birds is also quite cute!
Dean Koonz - Very suspensful novelist, but quite far fetched too. Helps to take your mind off of how crappy life really is, because his characters always have it fifty or one hundred times worse!!! If you like page turners, he is definitely the person to be reading.....Its good stuff. Unfortunately, I could not locate a decent link.
William Goldmam - Author of the terrific and moving story, "Princess Bride".
Serena Valentino - NIGHTMARES AND FAIRYTALES is such a great comic series! Also associated with Slave Labor Graphics...
Clive Barker - EXTREMELY talented writer of "Weaveworld". I love his poetic delivery!
Roman Dirge - Comic master similar to Jhonen. "Lenore" is the cutest little dead girl...
Iain Banks - Writer of suspenseful fiction novels. "The Song Of Stone" was an absolute page turner, but in a very poetic dreamy way.
Sylvia Plath - Brilliant poet. She was also a huge inspiration to Robert Smith, and many other musicians.
J. O'Barr - Writer of the original "Crow" comic book! His style is so moving and beautiful. You can tell he was highly inspired by The Cure, Joy Division and other musicans and writers, because he takes concepts from other works and spins them into his own brilliant stories...
Dylan Thomas - Welsh poet who wrote "Love In The Asylum", which inspired The Cure song "Birdmad Girl". This link has many of his poems typed out.
Danielle Steel - Writer of highly dramatic novels mainly read by women. I can read her books in a single night because they are so terrific and page turning.
Anne Rice - She's known for "weaving the visible and supernatural worlds together in epic stories". I couldn't have said it better myself! She's mostly famous for her Vampire Chronicles.
DK Publishing - International publisher of thee best travel books around! "The Eyewittness Guides" are so helpful and informative. And the images are wonderfully laid out.
The Literature Network - Huge database of many authors, poets, etc. Very informative site.
The Online Books Page - Pretty self explanatory. Kick ass site!