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The frontside is the basic grind that started it all. This trick is basically a simple grind in which you just try to balance for the remainder of the ride. How to do it: to do a frontside you must ride up next to a rail, ledge, or something that slides, and attempt to jump so that you land with both feet on the object so that it rests in the middle of you second and third wheels on your skates. Tips: The main thing on a frontside is to make sure you land your skates with the object resting between your second and third wheels. Your feet should be about shoulder width apart so you don't wash out. Keep your weight centered between your two feet with your weight spread equally to both feet. Use your arms for balance. Variations: switch
Soul Grind
The Soul grind(sometimes called a Smith grind if you know any old school skaters) is a very basic and essential trick to aggressive skating. The soul is the basis to many other tricks and should be an easy trick to a good skater. How to do it:To do a Soul you must ride up next to a rail, ledge, or something that slides, and land with your back foot on the soul of your skate(resting flat along the outer edge on your rivets and heel) and the front skate with the object resting between your second and third wheels. Tips: To do a good soul you must have your knees slightly bent and have most of your weight on your soul foot. On a rail, bone your foot over the rail so that the rail is locked into the skate. Have your soul foot basically underneath your body and land both feet at the same time and enjoy the ride. Variations: switch, alley-oop, over(topside)
Royalle (with cheese please) The Royalle is a very easy trick to do, but a rather hard trick to learn. If you do it with style it is a very cool trick.?The positioning of your feet will also come in handy when you learn more new school tricks. How to do it:To do a Royalle you have to make sure that you jump at whatever it is you are going to grind and land with both feet at the same time.(Don't step onto a curb)?You must land with your back foot in royalle position(where it is resting between your second and third wheels and the boot of your skate). ?Your front foot will land with the object between your second and third wheels. Tips: To do a good royalle you must have your knees very bent and have most of your weight on your back foot. Keep your weight centered over your body at all times or else you will wash out.?Your back foot must be in royalle position or you will wash out. ?Don't try to slide the grind without your boot down because when you get it down you have much more control and balance.
The porn star is a trick that was designed by the ever creative Phil Riley. It has recently become popular again on handrails and vert. How to do it:To do a porn star you must jump at the object and land backwards with your leading foot in royalle position and your trailing foot riding in alley-oop soul position. Tips: To do a good porn star you have to keep both feet relatively close to each other and bend both of your knees. Lock your souling foot onto the object and keep most of your weight on that foot. don't lean too far up the rail or your feet will slip out behind you and your face will be on the rail. Variations: switch, forward, farside.
How to do it:To do a Soyalle you must ride up next to a rail, ledge, or something that slides, and land with your back foot in royalle position and your front foot in alley-oop soul position. Tips: To do a good soyalle you must have your extremely bent. Your knees should bee like gumby and flex as much as you can. Try as hard as you can to get your heel on your back foot down and locked on. This is the hardest part of the soyalle and you must bend a lot to do it. Keep most of your weight on your royalling foot so you should be able to do slow and controlled backslides before you try to soyalle. Variations: switch, over(topside), Farside
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