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Acid Soul
Acid souls are basically just a variation of the soul grind and are much more popular if done as over acids. How to do it:To do an acid soul you must land in a soul grind except your front foot should land grinding on the outside edge with your toe pointing out. Basically your front foot in royalle and your back foot in soul. Tips: To do acid souls just bend your knees and aproach the rail or ledge as if you were going to soul it. Keep your knees bent and most of your weight on your soul foot. Variations: switch, farside, over, alley oop.
The Mistrial is a new school grind first done by Jon Julio. If you can Backslide it really isn't that hard. They can really only be done on rails because on curbs it is called an overpuss. How to do it:To do a mistrial you want to land with your back foot in royalle position and your front foot in farside soul position. Tips: To do mistrials jump to the rail as if you were going to do a wheelbarrow or boned out rocket backslide on the rail and balance on your royalling foot. Then place your front foot down in over soul position. Keep most of your weight on your bckslide foot but not all of it. The trick is to do all of this really quickly and land both feet at the same time. It comes with practice. Variations: switch, backside, negative, alley oop.
Blunt Soul
The blunt soul has so many names I get so confused. It is called a blunt soul, a torque soul, and a forward soyalle. How to do it:Do a forward soyalle. Your front foot should be in farvernughen(forward royalle...look at the picture) and your back foot in soul position. Tips: To do blunt souls try to land in a normal soul grind with your weight almost completely on your soul foot. When you land keep your feet close together and roll your front foot over so it is on the outside of the boot. Keep your weight on your soul foot or you will get caught up and break your ankle or just your face. Variations: switch, over.
Cab Driver
The first time I saw someone do a cab driver was in uncommon ground. I thought it was really cool but I realized it kinda sux and is pretty easy if you can backslide. How to do it:Land with your back foot in backslide and your front foot in farvernughen. Tips: Land on the object as if you were going to ride a donkey or something like that and spread your knees apart wide. Keep your weight on your backsliding foot. Keep your skates almost touching to prevent your front foot from coming out of position and doing a royalle. Variations: switch, backside.
The first time I saw this trick was skating at the brooklyn banks in winter/spring of 1996. I saw Rawlinson do it down the 9 step(when it was still there) and he later won the best trick at the ultimate inline challenge with a unity down the big rail. How to do it:Land with your legs crossed and your leading foot in royalle and your trailing foot in fahrvergnugen. Basically both feet rolled over. Tips: Land on the object with both feet rolled over so your boot and frame on both skates are locked on. Your feet should lock into the rail or ledge in both of your royalle grooves so you have 4 points of contact with the sliding surface. Keep your weight centered between both of your feet and get down as low as possible. Variations: switch, backside, sit down.
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