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Fish Brain
Fishbrains are one of the hardest tricks to do right now in aggressive in line skating but look really cool and are fun if done correctly. How to do it:On a curb, ledge, ramp, or rail land your foot in over soul position and grab your other foot with your hand. Tips:Try and come at the object from basically straight on but with a little room between yourself and the object. Bend your over souling foot as much as possible and lock it on to the edge. Kick your front foot out and grab it with your hand. Try to get as low as possible and lean back on the back of your skate. Variations: switch, alley-oop, More...
X Grind
X grinds are probably one of the most retarded grinds. How to do it:Land on a grinding surface with both feet in soul position. Tips:Don't fall...It will hurt. Variations: switch, alley-oop, over.
Over Puss
An over puss is simply a Mistrial on a curb. There is a pic of Jeff Laretto doing one in the Team Paradise Catalog. How to do it:Land your back foot in royalle position and your front foot in over soul. Tips:Put most of your weight on your back foot when grinding an over puss. Keep your feet spread apart as if you were taking a shit. lean off the curb a little bit. Variations: switch, alley-oop.
Negative Mistrial
Negative mistrials are more of a backsliding trick than a mistrial trick but who cares. How to do it:Land with your back foot in royalle position and your front foot on the inside soul of your boot. Tips:Land on the rail or curb as if you were going to do a backslide. Keep most of your weight on your back foot and place your front foot against the curb or rail. Don't try to balance on the inside but rather keep it against the rail. Variations: switch, alley-oop, backside
Kind Grind
A kind grind has become pretty stylish lately. It is basically just an over alley oop mizu but it's easier to say. How to do it:Land your leading foot in between your second and third wheels and your trailing foot in alley oop over soul. Tips:Concentrate on landing your trailing foot and your front foot will follow. Once your back foot is locked then bend your knee and keep it locked for the whole ride. Keep your feet spread apart a lot. Variations: switch
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