::: music world contents :::
..music main page ..heavy metal page ..album reviews ..music links ..tabs page ..message board ..chat
..artists-bands page ..rap page ..music downloads ..band shows ..old news archive ..forum . guestbook


::: news :::
::: band promote :::

Music World is actually trying to help and promote amateur bands which still don't have a label, so if you have a band of your own, or if u have a bandshow date, or if you're releasing an album, feel free to email the details over and Music World will help you promote it through the site.


::: music sharing :::

As new records are released day by day, it's nearly impossible to get release dates on all good ones, so if u think u have a really good record, share it with us...


Click here to read our visitors music reviews!


::: webmasters :::





No unauthorized reproduction or copying is allowed.

Web page written from Hong Kong SAR by

ming - 2003


Check out for more at the old news archive



::: the site :::

This site is about Heavy Metal, Rap, Punk, Hardcore music from both Hong Kong and international regions. There are also profiles, pictures and much more information on different bands at artists/bands page. Interested in metal or rap? Wanna know which album is good or download some songs before buying a cd? How about checking out more music at other web sites? Or are you not sure when a bandshow is available near you? Wanna learn how to play the music yourself, get the Tabs. How about writing your points of views on the message boards or share it with others while chatting? Not enough, go to the online forum to post your messages. And do you wanna show your presence by writing the guestbook?


::: other links - the hkisam homepage :::

More from the Hong Kong In Line Skating and Music Homepage

::: ads :::
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