"Xiong-Skiba, Pei"wrote: Hi Yin, I am sending this e-mail message to you. The following are some suggestions on how to make our 20-year reunion to work. You may make some changes before you forward it to everyone. 1) A committee should be formed to handle this. There are lots of work needed to be done for this. A committee can set an agenda and assign works to each individual. Thus, some of the work can be conducted in parallel, rather than in sequence. We need several volunteers for this committee. We should have at least 5 people working on this project. I suggest one or two should be in mainland (if one cannot find anyone from our major to host this event, we may join other majors to solve this problem). One should come from the bay area, one should be responsible to update one web page (Mi Wei) and make public announcements, and finally a chair of the committee is needed. Of course, the more people involve in this work, the less work for everyone. The committee can communicate with each other electronically on weekly basis to keep everything on schedule. 2) An agenda has to be set for the event. A) The data for the reunion. Personally, I think we should talk to the laser and radio majors to see whether we can meet on the same day. This will reduce our workload tremendously. It will also make our reunion more fun since it is also nice to see our other friends. I had the impression that most people prefer July than June. July probably is a better month since Fudan will be on its summer break. We would like to disrupt their routine as little as possible. I think we should check with Fudan to see which weekend in July 2002 will be the best weekend so we could make arrangements. (Some one may contact Fudan's Alumni Association if it exists.) B) Events for the reunion. I think one and a half day reunion is proper. The following is a proposed schedule: Friday 1:00-6:00 p.m.- informal gathering. 6:00-8:00 p. m.- formal dinner. In addition, we may invite the president or one of the officials from the school to give a talk on the changes occurred in Fudan in the last 20 years. If it's possible, we should also inform our former professors/instructors so many of them can come to meet their former students during this time. 8:00-10:00 p.m.- informal gathering. This provides more opportunities for us to chat. Boarding should also be arranged. Some of the dormitories may be empty during this time (summer break). We should talk to Fudan's official to see whether we can stay overnight for a fee. Saturday 8:00-8:30 a.m.- Breakfast. 8:30-9:00 a.m. - Group pictures. I think some of you suggested to gather outside Fudan's gate. We might as well take some group pictures before the sun gets too high. 8:30-12:00 p.m. - campus tour. We may contact department heads and student association for arranging campus tours. It will be nice to break our groups to smaller groups with 10-15 people in each group possibly. 12:00-1:30 p.m. - Lunch. 1:30- 5:00 p.m. - More Activity outside of the campus, a boat tour in WangPu River or visit HongKou Park (cannoning?). It will be nice to rent one or two big buses to bring all of us to the location. 5:00 p.m. - the end of the reunion. The above is my suggestions. Let's form a committee first so we can start work on this more seriously. Pei ########################### Hi Hu Yin; I can view Chen Xiang-dong's attachment with no problem. I'm glod that we can contact that many classmates in China via email now. As for planing the reunion, I suggest that we form a (one or two) committee. Maybe on in China and one in USA since these are the two places most of us live now. The responsibilities for the committee member including collect ideas (travel plan, when and where, buget, etc.)and conduct the vote. By doing this, we can reach our decision and start work on it. For a large group like us, it's gonna be quite a lot to work on. Any other suggestions? Jian ####################### Pei I agree with Jian. Two committees, one in China and one in US is a good idea. Each committee has its own tasks. However, both committees can communicate through e-mails to keep people informed. I sent Yin some suggestions earlier on what we can do in the reunion. Unfortunatelly, I don't have the file on my computer in my school. Yin may be able to share with you later.