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Box Name: Wonderwood Park
Nearest Town: Lacey, WA
County: Thurston
Placed: 8-25-02
Placed By: Fudrick
Clues: Trivial
Trek: Easy, Flat
Colors: Yes, bring them!

IMPORTANT NOTICE = = = These boxes were reported in disarray on 11-12-03. They will not be able to be gotted to until after Thanksgiving.  Actually it took until Memorial Day before I was able to get out to check on them.  It is an appropriate day, as only 3 of the 9 were located and removed.  One was possibly under a buch of fallen trees and limbs, another had no clues available.  Wonderwood Park is a great park, will be placing more there.  Be sure to enjoy the other great boxes in this neat park in the meantime.

Stay tuned for updates...

Wonderwood Park is a small forest in the middle of housing developments.  It contains two ball fields, tennis courts, two playgrounds, picnic facilities, and paved and earth trails thru the woods.  Wonderwood is a very popular park, you will likely see many dogs walking their people.  Please hide the boxes well!

Directions to Wonderwood Park:
From Southbound I-5, take Exit #109 to Martin Way.  Head West on Martin Way and get into the left turn lane.  Turn left onto College Street.  From Northbound take the College Street exit.  Head South on College Street until you get to South 31st Avenue.  It will be on the left, with a brown Wonderwood Park sign on top of the STOP sign.  Turn Left onto 31st, turn right at the T, left at the DEAD END sign  and find a place to park.

(Note: there is another entrance to the park off of Ruddell Road, but it is best to enter off of College as the trailhead is closest to this entrance.  You can walk to the Ruddell Road parking lot if you want to get to the other fine boxes in Wonderwood Park, they all start at the Ruddell Road entrance.  Or from the Ruddell Road to the College Street lots if you start there first.  The two lots are not that far apart.)


How much fund could a Funhog have if a Funhog could hog fun?  Stop and read the rules, to find out why Funhog would be miserable ;-(

This site, and the boxes, under construction.  My apologies!
Before you set out read the waiver of responsibility and disclaimer.