Kimble is really getting around now.  This week he is in Keegan Forest, Maine on the tip of a sighitng of the one armed man from Chuck's web page. (  A man said he dropped the one armed man off at a small logging camp there. Kimble is now Dan Clifton.  The show starts with Kimble working on this logging company.  He is having lunch with his new friends, 3 fellow loggers, all siblings.  They make some comments as to that he has come a long way in the last couple of days.  In the conversation, suddenly one of the boys, that we learn to be Adam, turns to  his sister -Paula- and says "So, ask him to dinner", sort of motioning at Kimble.  She grimmaces, says shes giong to kill him and sort of tosses out an invitation.  Just as they get this out of the way, the foreman is on his way over and immediatly starts givng Adam a rough time.  Appartntly they are two days behind on his site. He tells him to turn his phone on so he can get ahold of him.  Adam defends himself and when the forman tells him to get back to work, Adam says his shoulder is tweeked and he doesn't want to set chokers.  So his brother Mark says that hell set the chokers.  As the foreman storms away, Kimble goes after him to try and get some information.  As they walk through the bush Kimble asks questions about the one armed man sighting.  The foreman says that he seemed to have wanted somehting from Harry, a local bar owner.  The foreman said that Harry was very secared by him, and if Kimble wanted to talk to him, then he'd better get on it because wrod was Harry was selling and getting out of town.  The foreman asks if Kimble owes the one armed man money, too.  Kimble says, "No, he owes me"

            Back on the job site Mark and Kimle are working becide a tractor and after Mark is finished hooking up some logs to the tractor he drops his chainsaw.  While he is looking for it in the brush, his shirt gets caught on the trees that are being pulled away.  Kimble tries to help him, and is yelling at him to rip his shirt.  Kimble falls and Mark is left there, trying to get free.  There is yelling to stop the tractor and blow the whistle, but by the time thiis happens it is too late and Mark is dead.

            Back at the office in the aftermath the forman asks to see Kimble.  He walks into the ofice to see a deputee, Anne Dicksman.  She asks him if he has anything to add.  He has nothing to say and so is told to go, but not before she reminds Kimble that he will have to testify at a trial.  She  then notices that his file is incomplete, there is no picture.  The foreman finds a Polaroid and they snap a photo, which brings back some memories for Kimble. 

            Kimble goes and waits outside until the last deputee leaves the office and goes in to try and get the picture.  Kimble starts to snoop around, looking not even close to subtle.  He finds his file and heads for the door only to hear the foreman and Adam talking.  He sees a window, but passes it up and waits.  Paula returns from the hospital and her and Adam talk sadly.  Adam starts to comtemplate who is to blame for his brothers death.  He thinks it is his fault because Mark was setting the chokers and not him.  Adam then strats to ponder about how tired his brother was because he wsa double shifting.  His sadness quickly turns to anger towrds the foreman.  He says that if Mark hadn't been double shifting then he wouldn't have been as cold and would have been wearing the shirt that would have ripped and he would have been free.  The foreman gives an arguement that it should have been Adam out there anyway because that was his job.  A fist fight ensues between them.  A few deputees come in to see what the rucus is all about.  One of the deputees pulls his gun and tells them to stop.  Adam goes for the gun and the deputee and him wrestle over it.  By this time Kimble has abandoned his file and is trying to talk Adam out of what he is doing.  In the sruggle, the gun gets pointed at many people in the room and it eventually gets pointed at the deputee.  It is between the two of them when the shot goes off and then the deputee falls to the ground.  Kimble rushed to the deputee and yells to call 911.  He isn't breathing and has no airway.  The other deputee relays this over the phone and after one round of CPR, Kimble says he's dead.  The deoputee instructs the police to be sent.  Adam promptly re-pulls the gun on the deputee. The other is instructed to get his hands off his gun an Paula takes it.  Adam grabs Kimble and holds the gun to him.  Paula is sent to get the Jeep and while she is gone Kimble, in his uncomfortable situation, tries to talk Adam out of this mess.  The three of them get in the car and drive off with the local law enforcement not too far behind.  They get onto a dirt road and Adam gives the instructions for a turn.  Paula loses control and the Jeep meets a large tree.  After all are said to be okay, Kimble tries to leave.  He is met with the pointing of the gun.  The two ponder letting him go, Adam wants to set him free, but Paula says no.  They might need him again.  The ideas start to form about what to do.  The plan was to get up into Canada and send Adam oveseas.  As they leave the vehicle, Kimble  makes one more plea to go saying that he needs to find Harry the barowner.  "Finding's life and death" Kimble pleads.  "So is this" is the resopnse he is met with. 

              Back at the logging headquarters the sheriff is grumbleing that he was only one month before retirement. He complains that the Bennet family ws born here.  If he puts them in prison half of the county will hate him and if he doesn't, the othe half will.  While pondering the sheriff notices Kimbles picture and says it looks farmiliar.  He quickly makes the connection to the fax that he got from Chicago.  The sheriff likes the idea of the publicity of bringing in Dr. Kimble.  This was just the scapgoat he needed.

                    Dark has fallen and the three are out wandering.  Adam comments that he thinks Kimble is planning a way to get away but Kimble denies and says that he was thinking about Mark.  Kimble says Mark knew he was giong to die, he could see it in his eyes (it must be a doctor thing).  Kimble says that they should be at home burying his brother.
                    Back to the sheriff.  He is on the phone searching for a hellicopter.  The deputee (Anne) notices that the Bennets have a satellite phone (cell phone for those of us in the 21st century), but it is out of service.  She is instructed to keep trying it to get a hold of them. 

                   Out in the bushes again Adam thinks he hears somthing in the distance.  He takes off and leaves Paula and Kimble alone.  Kimble, still trying to talk his way to freedom, asks what will happen when they get over the border, and what she will do.  This eventually seguays into a conversation about family.  She asks Kimble if he has family and he answes yes.  She asks if they are close and he says that "they would be, well....its complicated."  They banter a bit more and Paula quotes her father in saying that he said about family - "The ones you live with are the ones you die with".  The flashlight burns out and they are left to chat  in the dark. Paula starts to ponder life and what a difference there was between today and yesterday in everything.  She tells Kimble that the situation "... isn't who we are, it's just, what's hapennin' "

                  The sheriff is met by a state trooper called Cyrus.  Cyrus wants to know what is going on and become part of the investigation.  When Will the local sheriff says quite sneidly that he has everythign under control the Lieutenant brings up the forthcoming election, trying to stir up some reasons that he his not allowed to help.

                   Adam has now come full circle in the search for the noise.  He sees people in the bushes in the dark.  He takes aim and fires.  Just as he is firing, Kimble kncoks the gun and Adam shoots the tree becide his sister, instead of her.  She is extremely greatful and tells Kimble that if he needs to be somewhere, then so be it.  She gives him her watch/compass, under the protest of Adam and tells him to go.
                   At the office, the deputee finally is getting a ring on the cell phone of the Bennets.  The sheriff closes the door to the room and takes the phone.  Paula answers and the sheriff lays down the framing of Kimble.  He says he is calling to make sure that they are all clear on the situation.  He tells them that Kimble us a convicted killer "a wife-killer" and that it was his fault.  They make arrangements to meet at a place called Bald Rock at noon.

                The sheriff is now back on the phone looking for a camera that will take a good photo for the front page of a newpaper.  Cyrus arrives again and says that there should be a full manhunt.  The sheriff sends him to the west logging road, which they both know is entirely too far away from where the Bennets and hosatge will be.  Soon after they depart, the second dog team shows up and the sheriff sends them home, saying they weren't needed.

               The now free again Kimble is trudging through the bushes trying to get out of the forset.  He checks the compass and realizes that the way he needs to go is directly up a wall. He hears dogs barking in the background and realizes that he has to scale the wall.  Kimble climbs up and gets caught near the top.  We see him looking down and up trying to find a hold.  Then, just before he lets go, a line is thrown to help him.  As he gets to the top he realizes its the Bennets and they let it be known that they know who he is.

               The sheriff is now gone to the designated rendezvous piont, but the state troopers get there before the Bennets and want to know what Will is doing out there.  They send him off and keep the state cars there. The trio make their way to the point and they see in advance that they are state cars, not the sheriff.  While Paula and Adam ponder what to do, Kimble takes off running.  It looked as though he would get away when he stood up to see the end of a gun.  Kimble decides to give the two an ultimatum.  They can either shoot him or let him go.  He says that the other murder was an accident, but this wouldn't be  He starts to back away from the two and Adam is visibly shaken.  He asks Paula what to do and she has no answer for him.  Eventually Kimble turnes and goes leaving the two of them crying and hugging.

               We catch the pair back at the office, Adam being loaded in to a police car.  They are just looking for the one man still, says Cyrus, which is Kimble.  Sheriff Will is giong to have some questions to answer about where the Bennets came out of the woods, since it just happened to be where he was waiting.  As the Bennets are being taken away, the sheriff burns Kimbles file and the fax from Chicago.

               Finally Kimble gets to Harrys Tavern to find that it is completely closed down and vacant.    
Guests: Megan Follows, Channon Roe, Kellie Waymire, w/ Stephen Lang

Bits and Pieces:

This was quite a good episode.  It was intense and had quite a few good qualities. I wasn't pleased with some of the actors, especially the sheriff and the Bennet sister Paula.  Mostly this was because of the dialect/accents that were there.  Was she supposed to be Irish (is she Irish) because I swear I heard some of that accent mixed in with the hick accent (no offense to anyone).  I think I could have gotten to know Mark a bit better before they killed him off. I didn't really feel anything, it was just, 'oh, I guess he's dead'.  Other than that, I have no major beefs or quams about the plot.  Now I really would like to know what the one-armed man wants with the tavern owner.

-When Kimble was going in after his file, he looked exceptionally un-subtle.
             -I definately would have made the mad dash for the window!

- I was really surprised by the dinner invitation by Paula and even more surprised by Kimbles acceptance

-I was again surprised by the fact that Kimble admitted to Paula that he, indeed had family.

-Paula's quote of her father -
"the ones you live with are the ones you die with" - possibly representing part of Kimble dying with Helen?

- I was really creeped out when Kimble said
"No, he owes me" of the one armed man -just got a shiver

-Sheriff Will's accent was the most annoying thing ever.  He did have a couple of priceless lines, though:
"Coffee or bourbon? could go either way..."
"We have a murder to investigate"

"actually she perferrs panzies."
              Sheriff Will:
-Also Cyrus had a few gems, my personal favourite was "[I have} dogs that can track a saussage back to  the pig it came from"    (mmm, there's a pretty picture)

-When Adam shot the deputee, Kimble does one round of CPR.  I would hope that if I was lying there, there would be a lottle more effort than that!
- I thought for sure that that gun was getting fired at Kimble in the office

-What was the deal with the deputee with the santiary wipes!  Will someone care to explain where that came from?

- When Kimble gives his ulitmatum to Adam, I thought that was one of the gutsiest (or stupidist) things I've ever heard him say -
"If you want me, you're gonna have to kill me" -  I was like 'WHAT!?!?,  You're giving this lunatic WHAT options? How many more episodes are we renewed for?'

-"Everyhting will be differnt without Mark"
was one of the lines in this tense moment -'everything will be diferent in jail, too.

My Favorite Line:
"If you want me, you're giong to have to kill me."

6.  Miles to Go