Episode 1: The Pilot ...Originally aired 10/6/2000 This was a great episode and got me hooked on the show from the start. I am too young to remember the original series, but when I heard of this one coming out I was anticipating much less than what I saw. The pilot does a good job of setting up the plot for the rest of the series, as is expected. Kinble is found guilty of killing his wife, even though we all see that the misterious 'one-armed man' was the culprit. On the way to prison there is a bus accident and most everyone is unconsious or unable to get away. Except our Dr. Kimble. He takes off from the bus and starts after this one amred man. He eventually ends up in Miami, Florida and he manages to (quite easily I might add) get a job doing construction. Kimble soon finds trouble, but not his own this time. The inspector of construction for the state, Ms. Laura Chereaux (Paige Turco), is marked for death via a construction scam. Kimble saves her life and as a good friend should, she returns the favor and saves Kimble when Lt. Gerard comes calling for him. |