About FuJi Racing International!
The FRI was from when Fue Khang, FRI Admin and founder, wanted to organize a event to compete with others.  The FRI provides you with competitive, fun, and enjoying events.  These events are the FRI Bicycle Series and the FRI On-Line Racing for GT2(Playstation) players. 

The FRI On-Line Racing is not exactly what you think it is.  You are not actually on-line when racing but more like sending times to the admin of the series and receiving a place in the standings.  This involves in each person racing at home and recording times.  You must have Gran Tourismo 2 and the Sony Playstation or Playstation 2 to be able to participate though.

FRI On-Line Racing

The FRI Bicycle Series is another type of cycling that involves less distance racing, but more of manuvering and control.  Races are no more than 5 minutes per race.  In the stage it usually consists of many turns where the cyclists will race through trying to achieve the best time, which would quickest time.

FRI Bicycle Series
FRI Bicycle Series
* C-X
* RC
* DR
FRI OLR Series
OLR News & Events
* FRI Spot Race