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(serving Central London communities with music since 1895)

This is the online bandroom of the Fulham Brass Band, the oldest surviving ensemble of its type left in the Central London area.  We are delighted that you have discovered our little home here in Cyberspace and hope that you will remember to sign our \Guestbook before you leave in order to let us know that you've been here. Please also tell your friends where to find us, bookmarking this page for your own future reference if you'd like to drop by again to catch up with what we're up to from time to time.

This web site contains information about the activities and history of the Fulham Brass Band. The Band and its Webmaster together endeavour to keep the site as up to date as possible but if nothing much seems to be happening here, and your need for current and confirmed information is urgent in any way, then please contact us using one of the other routes of communication we provide elsewhere on the site.


The Fulham Band website links additionally to other websites outwith the direct or indirect control of the Band and its members. We therefore give no guarantee that any of the links (still) work nor do we give any guarantee that any content viewed on the internet as a result of linking to it from the Fulham Brass Band website will be the most complete, accurate and/or up to date version at any time. On the this basis The Fulham Brass Band (and its Webmaster) must also jointly and severally disclaim all liability for any loss, howsoever caused, arising directly or indirectly from the use and content of this and other "linked to" web sites.

Fulham Band on parade for Remembrance Sunday
- 12th November 2006

This page last updated: 25th November 2006 by The Webmaster: Angela Tregaskes.
All rights reserved 2006