Apply for this Award:

This award is to reward those who have put a lot of time and effort into their website. And those sites that have very useful content that contributes to the World Wide Web.


1.You may not submit your site if your site includes or encourages illegal activity, copyright / trademark infringement, or hateful content

2. Your site must have content and not just be links.

3. Easy to navigate, no broken links.

4. Compatible with different browsers.

5. Acceptable loading time.

6. Spelling is good.

7. Good design.

8. Must have interesting content.

9. Site must be Family Safe.

10. You must put the award graphic on your site. Linking is not required but is nice.

11. If you win you will be signed up for our winners e-mail list. This list is sent out no more that twice a month and you may put your own awards program in it.

If you are unsure as to what we expect from your website .... please go to our Winner's Page to examine our previous winners and learn from some of the best sites on the web.

COPPA - You may not submit your site without parent permission if you are under 13.

If you wish to view our Privacy Policy Click Here..


We will notified you if your site got the award in 2-6 days.

Ways to apply:

Use the form at the bottom

Or e-mail Us with all the information required on the form

Our site was reveiwed by Award Sites! We got the 2.0 rating.

Dear sirs, We are happy to inform you that our Jury recognized your award program as blue blood of internet.
Kingdom of Internet give you next noble title:
DUKE OF INTERNET and WebsAwards give you rating level is: 6.0 .


Your e-mail address?
Your site Name?
Your Site Address?

Do you wish to join the joke mailing list?

Do you wish to be in the free-for-all links?

Tell me about your site and how you found our site.