The Award:
Dear Grant:
Hello!! Thank you for applying for the "HDW's YOU'VE BEEN SPOTTED For Website Excellence" award, to be given to special websites which include animals and/or family values in their theme. We have visited your site, and found that you have created a delightful, innovative and fun website, suitable for the whole family!! We really enjoyed our visit, and are quite sure that others will, too.
We are very pleased to attach a copy of our award with this e-mail message, and offer our hearty Con-CAT-u-Lations for a job very well done!! When you have posted your award with a link back to our homepage, please let us know as we'd love to see it and tell all our friends about your site!!
Sincerely yours,
Marshamelo, Webmistress, &
Holly Webber, Owner
HDW Enterprises & Foothill Felines Bengals
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