Welcome to Elizabeth's Homepage!
Well, here it is: my hompage. Please click on the links below to explore around!
I graduated from college! Here are some pictures!
Here are some pictures of my move to Austin, Texas.
This is my attempt at a tribute to one of my favorite websites!
Summer 2001 I did an REU at Iowa State University. Click here to see my page about it.
Summer 2002 I did an REU with SARA (the Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy). Click here to see my page about it.
This is my astronomy page. Stuff about me and astronomy and cool things like that.
Random Stuff! This is for stuff that I just don't know where else to put!
Here are some useful/fun links!
Find out all about the person behind the magic and mystery of this webpage.
Weather Centeral!
Current Moon Phase
You want to email me? Of course you do!
Click here
Last updated:
December 13, 2003
Number of times I've wondered if this counter is working: