MeSsEd Up!

One Big Mess

Juraian Knight


Ranma's Evolution

A True Saiya-jin

Past Updates

Fic Ideas

"I'm overawed by the crappiness, yes."
- Corwin
Feb 23, 2005 - Added Prologue and Chapter 1 of Juraian Knight
January 22, 2005 - Added all the pages, and will be adding the Prologue and Chapter 1 of Juraian Knight once I get someone to preread them.
January 21, 2005 - Holy crap, I didn't even know I could update this thing anymore... Well, as you can see, two more stories have been added and are in the works. I'm really liking where Juraian Knight is going. I'm already working on Chapter 3 of it. After looking at Messed Up again, I'm finding that I really don't like how it's come out. So, I'm thinking about  totally CHANGING IT AROUND! Ugh... Anyway, since I now know I can update this page... I think I'll be doing it more often. Maybe. Or maybe I'll be looking for another site to use as my website. We'll see.
June 30, 2003 - Got rid of one Harry Potter idea and added Chapter 1 of A True Saiya-jin
June 26, 2003 - Added A True Saiya-jin page and Prologue


