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- Makeup and missing Mum
Last night I crawled into bed with Dad again, because I was missing Mum. He held me, which always comforts me. I had been lying awake thinking that if she were here she could teach me how to put on makeup. That's when I started to miss her again.
- Nice smells
This morning Daddy cooked some bacon and eggs while I was getting dressed for school. I love the smell of bacon cooking in the morning! I love the smell of freshly-ground coffee being made in the morning, too! Daddy and I have a pretty good life!
- Boys
This morning before school I was hanging around the school gate with a bunch of girls, and the boys came past in a group and started to tease us and even called us names. Boys are so immature! I deserve respect, but the only male who treats me with respect around here is Daddy.