Discover the Realm

Welcome to the Moonlight Sonata! If you've been here before, you'll notice quite a few changes. I hope you realize, that this is just basically one big directory for all of my other Sailor Moon sites. Each one is a COMPLETE SITE. Why do I do that? *laughs tiredly* I have no idea. It's about 10 times as much work as one site would be, but I do have tons of fun doing everything, so I guess that counts? *shrugs* So, browse my other sites, and enjoy yourself! But don't get lost! ^.~

~Starlight Dreamer

This Anime Dreamers Ring site owned by Starlight Dreamer.
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There's a rhythm in your soul.
Listen, do you hear it?
Deep within your heart, and mind.
It echoes in your spirit.

~Starlight Dreamer

All of the graphics, except the moonrod, are copyrighted to me. I created and made each one. Please ask before you take.
Sailor Moon is copyrighted to Naoka Takeuchi. I do not claim to own any of the characters here.

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