Birth Name- Kou Shun'u (Genron)
Constellation- Crater *Mark of Wings on right wrist*
Birthplace- Kou-shuu
Birthday- April 18 Age- 17
Abilities- His flaming fan techniques when he says "LEKKA SHINENN!", speed, and magical spells.
Interests- Brawling, Arguing and Fighting.
Family- Parents, 5 older sisters.
Strong Points- Brave, loyal to friends, and love ones.
Fifth Seishi found in a mountain bandit stronghold. Tasuki ran away from home because his sisters and Mom treated him bad, why he started "hating" woman.
Why Flame loves Tasuki- Well, besides the obvious, his wild red hair and eyes, I love his personality! Sure he likes cursing and flaming Tamahome (-hee-hee!), but Tasuki can be a loyal friend! One who would give his life to protect you! Just don't get on his bad side or..."LEKKA SHINENN!!!", you'll regret it! Tasuki is very brave and impulsive but he's got a good heart and when Tasuki cries you feel like crying with him because he's so emotional. He says he "hates" woman (his mom & sisters treated him bad), but I think this is more of a cover up and he likes saying it to hide his true feelings. *I don't think he's into guys, like many fanfic writers suggest. His friendship with Koji is special because of what they went through together as bandids. *You got to read Tasuki's Gaden/Novel* Remember Tasuki treasures his friends like family.
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