Fusionssj's Dragon Ball Z Domain
Power Levels
No human has that much power!
Welcome to my Dragon Ball Z Domain.  I am glad that you have decided to come here.  There is many things to do and will be more once I am done up-dating it.  I plan to put poles, quizes, and much more.  If you have any requests please e-mail me at fusionssj@yahoo.com
I plan to start putting some of my own drawings up and if any wants theirs up than I would be more than happy to put your work up.  Also I have new pictures and neat little things I have found.  All I ask is that you don't link with out asking me or take my pictures with out asking me for those of you that have I would apperciate I note from you.  The Bio's I would like to finish sometime this week.  Anything that you have a question on I will do my best to answer.
Thank you,
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