Q&P of the Week

Quote: Spel chekers, hoo needs em?


King of Bandits
Click Here for Picture of Week Four!



Here is all the wonderful places you can go to on the site:


:*:Anime Gallery:*:

:*:Reality Gallery:*:

:*:Cute Gallery:*:

:*:Other Stuff:*:


Our Rants:

Rukusa: I have a bunch of test next week…>_<

Lilly: I hope you fail!

Rukusa: *glares and slowly pulls out a butcher knife*


Leave Your Mark!

Peek at the Wall of Smiles!

Add your mark to the Wall of Smiles!


Site Birthday: 2/12/04
Card Captor Sakura by CLAMP
Site owned by Rukusa & Lilly
Layout designed by Lilithbeth
Day Dream Graphics

About This Site

This website is called Put a Smile on Your Face, and that's exactly what we hope will happen to you when you visit around! ^_^ This site is run by Lilly and me, Rukusa. In the Anime gallery, you will find funny pictures anime style. In the cute gallery, are all of the cute pictures! Majority of them are all anime or manga stlye, but we will soon add some other pictures in. Reality gallery are all the other pictures that look like they happen in real life. Which sort of makes them evern funnier! In the other stuff section is things like fanart, poems, quotes, and interesting facts. There are absolutely no hentai, yaoi, yuri, or overly bloody pictures. For thoes who don't know, it means there isn't any pictures here rated past pg. Enjoy the pictures and if you have any questions, e-mail us!

Update: 9/2/04

WE ARE NOW BACK!!!! We couldn't believe when we left for three months and got 600 hits!!! Seeing all thoes hits, we decided to keep the site going. We won't have much time to add new stuff, but we will try to add a forum and maybe a multimedia section. We will update the pic of the week and a new quote as well. Thanks for being dedicated to us!!!!!!!

Update: 5/11/04

Alrighty, we are probably going to hafta go on hiatus for a while. My computer is the one with all the pictures and it got attacked by a virus, so we had to reboot. Plus, Rukusa is going on vacation the entire summer and I'm gonna be in China, so its hard for us to update at all until at least after the summer. Plus, if you have any pictures that would belong on this site, send them in, we nned all the help we can get! ^_^

Update: 4/3/04

Still working on the new layout. Take a peek at it and tell us what you think! Click here to view!

Update: 3/23/04

Sorry about the update. We're stuggling with the new layout...And we're running out of bandwidth...so we're going to try to expand the site. It might be a while for the next update, I'm starting my set of tests...But just wanted to update and tell you guys I'm still alive! ^_^

Update: 3/15/04

Just finished updating the anime gallery. 1 new YYH, 5 new animal pics, 6 new inuyasha,and 7 new others. I'm working on a new layout right now, and I'm still working on the forum. I Think Lilly's forgotten about the tagboard...-_-

Update: 3/14/04

*gives Lilly very evil and dark look* No I did not fail my tests. In fact, they were quite easy, because I, unlike some people actually study for my tests. Anyway, I updated the cute gallery today. There are 2 new cute creatures, 3 new cute inyashas, 5 new cute others, and 9 new cute catgirls and guys. Enjoy. I plan to update the anime funny galleries tomorrow.

Update: 3/12/04

Just had Texas Day!!!!!! If you don't have Mrs. Andrus, you probably don't know what that is....ANYWAY!!!!! kusa-chan is working on making a forum, and she's been busy with national tests!!!!! I HOPE YOU FAIL MISERABLEY!!!!!! And I'm SUPPOSED to be working on the tagbored, but well...i got lazy... BUT don't worry!!! I will prevail!!!!!

Update: 3/6/04

wow!!! Its been a long time since I updated! I put up a new picture of the week and a new quote as well. Now I hafta go study for some more tests! ^_^

Update: 2/29/04

HAPPY LEAP YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!! THE WEBSITE IS NOW DONE!!!!! Except for some of the stuff in the others link, but all gelleries are up. Even the mini comics are done!!!! Rukusa and I worked a lot to get it all up for you guys!!!
Lilly & Rukusa