Dairycon 2003 Exclusives!

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Allegiance: Dairycon
Name: Burning Furry Monkey
Function: Ground Commando

Quote:"My presense is no laughing matter..."

Optimus Minor's ultimate powered-up form, usually unlocked in conjunction with Bunny Convoy.(Bunny Convoy becomes Frigid Bunny Convoy). Called “Burning Furry Monkey” because of the red fire his body fur takes on. BFM was recruited by Electrum Beast, though it’s not clear exactly where/when he was pulled from. Together, BFM and FBC are able to dispose of Crackup.

Abilities: Burning Furry Monkey has various attacks at his disposal, such as ApeScream, Firetail, and the signature Burning Monkey Punch. His powers and abilities are amplified for the duration. With his on-again off-again partner Hotstuff, he can combine his firetail to create the blazing scimitar.

Weaknesses: Because of the tremendous energy drain required for his existance, Burning Furry Monkey doesn't appear except in times of extreme crisis. As Optimus Minor, he is weak and ineffective at best. At worst, with his uncontrollable rage, he is a disaster waiting to happen; A liability for anyone hoping he'll save the day.

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Allegiance: Dairycon
Name: Clutterbug
Function: Salvage

Quote:"Catch as catch can!"

'Disorganised' is a nice way of describing Clutterbug. Anything that gets thrown out, she'll drag back again. Believes everything has some sort of value, and should be kept for future use. As a result, her nest looks like a junkyard, with bits of this and that scattered all over. The uber-packrat.

Abilities: Clutterbug has excellent sensors; she's able to detect raw materials from several feet down, even in a landfill. Can analyze the content of an object an instantly give a breakdown of its composition. Serrated pincers can cut thru most materials. In times of extreme crisis, she can unleash all her energy into one spark-attack, but this action leaves her defenseless afterwards.

Weaknesses: Her messiness is her one great flaw; telling her she needs to clean things up will be met with cold stares and silence. When this happens, she's not much of a team player.

Notes: Thanks to Shawn, a fellow Dairylander, who made the BFM figure for us. He saw my prototype version, and apparently liked my bio and techspec so much that he created this new figure. Clutterbug is hard to explain, other than I think that there's a bit of a clutterbug(or Packrat, but that name was taken) in all of us ;-)

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