Hello Everyone! and Welcome to My Webpage!!!

Come visit the many strange and exotic sites of Christine's Webpage:









encouraging good behavior.


What Is Your Favorite Cheese?

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"WoAh-Oh!  Livin' On a Prayer!!"  (Will's B-day Toga Party.  5/5/01)

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A Very Random group of people!!

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To visit this webpage!  

Think this is a dumb pic?  You ain't seen nuttin' yet!  Click on the picture to see my new page: "Stupid Pics of Me!"

Me and my two housemates: Maura and Gina!



E-Mail Me Here!

Last Updated:

Sunday, March 24th, 2002




(The Famous Hair Wonder)





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I AM AN...

(no, it's not a web-ring link.  I just liked the pic, so I stole it offa someone's page.  Plus, I gotta flaunt the RPG Fandom! =)

Oh, Also, I go by the name of Fuuchan42, and for those of you who are ALWAYS asking me...

This is Fuu!

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