Fuzzy Links
"My Art" album
Faerie sketches
My family
Modified Yahoo!
New Yahoo! Themes
New Yahoo! smileys
Comic Strip
Anne and Zeke ... or adventures in retail
Do ya think you can crack the uncrackable? Break the unbreakable?? Or are you just a puzzle enthusiast ... but I gotta worn you ... this ain't no 2nd grade cryptogram... go ahead ... try it out and see if you have what it takes
click here
I could explain this picture for hours ... lets just leave at ... this is a perverse version of Uncle Sam that means many different things to many different people.
Sketch for a fairy Tarot Deck
( backburner project now )
Contact and general information:  You can reach me at fuzzy_dragonfly@yahoo.com or click on the link at the bottom of the page.  I do some commission work, for a ball a park figure I'd have to say I charge $30 an hour for artwork (prices may vary, so include details of what you're looking for).  If you're looking for runes, my prices are yet to be determined as I'm still playing around with mediums (no pun intended).  A couple of the mediums I'm playing around with are stones, as the ones above but I'm looking for better shapes and sizes ( which means looking through thousands of stones by hand ), Durhams rock hard water putty, and the newest one ... the floating rune ( a rune surrounded by resin. ... Well I think I have rambled on quite enough ;-) thx for popping by ... always good to have visitors.
Sports links
Rugby rules
Cricket rules
Random Stuff
One of many sets of hand crafted runes, by me.
Pogo games
options All artwork on these pages are copyright protected.  Written permission must be granted for any use.  Brian Rek
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