Disclaimer:  Before you start giving a bunch a crap about it ... I know I know some of the smileys are not new ... some of 'em are dorky (though if they are they probably were supposed to be) ... but this is a work in progress ... we'll call it ... Rekollection V1.0 beta. ... enjoy the new smileys ... I know I do.

Sadly I'm not a programer so this is a little more complicated than I'd like it to be, but I will do my best to make these instructions clear and to the point.
Step one, I recommend,
before downloading this file, changing the name of your current smileys folder to "backup" in case you should decide you
You don't have WinZip?  No problem click here to get a free evaluation or to buy a registered copy.

These smileys DO NOT work with Yahoo! messenger 5.5 ... only 5.0 and earlier, to get it click here
Click here to dowload new smileys
prefer the old small smileys to the new and improved bigger better smileys you'll be downloading from this site.  To do this ... go to the "my computer" icon on your desktop and double click it, open the "program files" folder, open the "Yahoo!" folder, then the "messenger" folder, then the "media" folder ... you will find the "Smileys" folder here.  Right click the "Smileys" folder and select "rename" from the pop up menu.  Rename the file whatever you like, but I recommend the name "backup" or "smileys backup."  Now you're ready to dowload this file.  Click the above link and download the file ... pay attention to where you save the file ... after you download it, find the file titled "" and double click on it to unzip it.  Once the file is unzipped (again ... pay attention to where it goes) simply right click the folder ( titled smileys )  select "copy" or "cut" ( your choice ) from the pop up menu ... then go to c:\program files\yahoo!\messenger\media and pull down the edit menu ... select paste and voila ... you now have a new smileys folder in your media folder and the big smileys are yours to keep.  I know I know ... it sounds complicated, but really its quite easy once ya get into it.  If you have any questions or problems ... feel free to E-mail me.

Go to C:\program files\yahoo!\messenger\media and rename "smileys folder"
dowload the new smileys, filename ""
unzip file to create "smileys" folder
move unzipped "smileys" folder to C:\program files\yahoo\messenger\media
Click here to see new Yahoo! themes
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