June 22, 2002

I took down OVA episode guide because it is owned by akirin. I’ll write

my own ova episode guide in my next update. For now I have

some episode guide for episode 55 and 56. I also uploaded the

about me section.


June 15,2002

Added OVA opening and ending lyrics


June 5,2002

I added a About me section for those who wants to know who made this webpage.

Updated genei ryodan, weapons and items. Added new gallery.


May 26, 2002

Updated genei ryodan, and TV guide. I added a new section in my site the Q and A section.

I hope you submit some questions for this section. And I added another gallery


May 16, 2002

Updated genei ryodan, thanks to nelson. Also I added a new gallery.


May 11, 2002

Hi guys! It’s been a while that I updated my site. There’s nothing new today but this

“THANK YOU PIC”, I would like to thank you guys for supporting this site.

I checked out my counter today and I saw that it’s over 1,000

I know it’s not much but it is for me so once again THANK YOU!




April 29, 2002

----- new fanart, updated tv guide, link to hxh videos.


April 25, 2002

----- added OVA summaries, updated

genei ryodan. I have taken down mp3 and videos.


April 13, 2002

----- added fanfiction. new fanarts


April 10, 2002

----- updated Nen and genei ryodan



April 6, 2002

----- updated episode guide, OVA,

new wallpaper. also added Nen



March 28, 2002

----- added some OVA spoilers


March 23, 2002

----- added some mp3s


March 21, 2002

----- added videos and fanart


March 16, 2002

----- added wallpapers


March 15, 2002

----- added weapons and items


March 12, 2002

----- added an episode guide


March 11, 2002

----- added lyrics and ringtones


March 4, 2002