Financial Economics Papers

© 1995-2007


Worapot Ongkrutaraksa, Ph.D.

  1. Understanding Business Valuation: Economic, Accounting, and Quantitative Approaches
  2. Hong Kong Derivatives Markets: Stock Index Futures, Stock Index Options, and Interest Rate Swaps
  3. Determinants of Capital Profile and Return Performance of International Banks
  4. Functional and Prudential Determinants for Signaling Behavior of International Banks
  5. Risk Accounting: A Critical Analysis of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 119
  6. Evaluation of the Bank of Thailand during 1997: Past Performance and Prospect for Credibility
  7. The Shape of National Economic Policy to Come: How Thailand Can Adapt in A Global Marketplace
  8. Three Factor Model and Real Options: Stock Excess Returns vs. Investment and Operating Flexibility
  9. Industrial Real Options: Public-Good vs. Private-Good Industries
  10. Synthetic Investment: An Application of Asset Swaps in Less Developed Capital Markets
  11. Privatization and Political Resource Allocation in Emerging Market Economies
  12. Trade in Services and Balance of Payments in LDCs: Determinants and Long-term Viability
  13. Modern Investment Theory: A Review of Literature
  14. Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Literature
  15. Behavioral Finance: A Review of Literature
  16. Financial Futures: A Conceptual Review
  17. Financial Options: A Conceptual Review
  18. Bond Portfolio Management: A Conceptual Review
  19. Chaos Theory and Neural Networks in Capital Markets
  20. Current CAPM Variants: Summary of Abstracts

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* Worapot Ongkrutaraksa is lecturer of finance at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia, where he teaches financial statements analysis and financial modelling.  He had served as a researcher in financial economics for the Fiscal Policy Research Institute (FPRI), a think-tank unit of the Thai Ministry of Finance, a visiting lecturer of finance at the Waikato Business School in New Zealand, and a J. William Fulbright scholar in the United States.  Recently, he has been an assistant professor of banking and finance at the University of Macau in China.

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