Fasinating Spiritual Wonders

gargoyal.jpg (15223 bytes) Greetings!   My name is Whitney Bell.  What I will share with you are many things that have made me excited and extremely curious as I am still on the adventure of learning more.   I hope that you too, will be as fasinated as I am.  gargoyal.jpg (15223 bytes)



  questiongrave.jpg (4828 bytes)Here are some questions that peaked my curiosity, and I will tell you as much information as I know on these subjects, or possibly where you can find this kind of information yourself.  I will also share experiences I have had, or have heard of happening to someone I know.

Did you know that everyone has a Spirit Guide?   They are around to guide you, but they do not interfere with your "free will", but all you have to do is ask for their help.   Psychic Sylvia Brown has met hers.  If you are not familiar with who Sylvia is...she used to help solve mysteries and help find people on the show UNSOLVED MYSTERIESShe also has several books about "that place we were once all very familiar with" (HEAVEN).  I strongly recommend, that if you are interested in this subject, that you go check out her books.   I am not a big reader, but her books engulfed me for hours on end.

In one of her books, it says that everything is charted.  You choose your parents, your siblings, the date, time, and place of your birth.  If there was a car accident in front of you, and you think to yourself, "Wow!  If I was in that spot 5 minutes earlier, that could have been me!"   There is a reason why it was not you in that accident, and Sylvia's books can help you find out so much more.

wpe2.jpg (4036 bytes)Did you know that spirits are electrical beings?  That's right!  They can manipulate light.  They often use scents to get our attention too.  This guy I know, Adam,  said that his Grandmother died in the house he lived in.  Every morning before her death, she would brew coffee.  Well, a few years after her death, Adam said that one morning he woke up and smelled coffee.  No one had been home, and the coffee maker had not even been used!  Weird, huh?

Another experience I have to share, happened to meI used to have a great desire to be visited by a spirit, I used to always talk about it.  Well, I think that this was not the brightest thing to do (as I have heard that bad things can happen).  Anyhow, I had just gotten off work one night.  The electricity was out on the whole entire block.  So, I lit all the candles in the house (I have heard that spirits come around candles, although, I did it so I could see what I was doing).  I sat on the couch next to my sleeping boyfriend (at the time).  The VCR caught my attention.  It was working!  The time  on it started to blink.  But, it was not blinking rhythmically.  Blink...blink, blink........blink, blink, blink......blink...NOTHING WAS SYNCHRONIZED! I freaked out and woke up my boyfriend...as soon as he looked, the blinking stopped, though the VCR still had electricity coming to it.  It was the strangest thing.  I have since heard that the "dead" jump at the chance to be heard, but they only come around those that will pay attention to them.  Maybe the blinking stopped because he did not believe in spirits at the time...I don't know...

Another bizarre thing that happened within a few months after this, took place in the morning time.  My boyfriend had kissed me goodbye before he went to work (I was lying in bed).  I soon fell back asleep.  I awoke because I felt pressure on me.  I had the covers over my head and could not move. At first, I thought my boyfriend was lying on top of me.  Then, I realized he had already left.  I opened my eyes and started praying to god because I wanted to feel unrestricted.  The pressure disappeared.  I told my close friends what had happened.  Months later I had forgotten about it, until I was one day reading a Reader's Digest and I read about that same occurrence happening to a woman.  The woman in the article said that she thought it was her dead husband paying a visit to herLater, I told my step-sister's mother what happened.  I also told her how I use to crave for a spirit to visit me.  (I stopped the craving after the first time I watched the movie STIR OF ECHOES, it knocked some sense into me, but is one of my favorite movies) She told me to be careful what I say.  She told me that what I see, I may not like.  She said that she knew someone that same thing had happened to.  It happened to a woman.  She was lying in bed, she felt pressure upon her.  She looked at what it was...it was a beautiful angel hovering over her.  She paid closer attention to what the angel's hands looked like.  The angel had really long gross looking fingernails, aiming around the woman's throat.   The woman started to pray, the angel disappeared.  It was a "fallen angel". 

There is a website called ghosthunting101.com that I visited.  It said that, there are 2 types of spirits.  Those that are of Jesus Christ and were human.  And those that were never human...

There was one more story I heard that was similar to mine.  I told my friend what had happened.   She told me that her grandmother had told her that the same exact thing happened to her.   Although, she said that her grandmother said "the dead" had sex with her.

That sounds absolutely scary to me!!!

So, now every night before I go to sleep, I say that I only want to be in the presence of Jesus Christ, my lord, my savior.  And Archangel Michael.  (He is a protector.  He is mainly suppose to protect you while traveling, but I'm sure that he will protect you whenever, if you ask.)

