Sabaku no Jidai - Ganime
Anime Picture Gallery Mp3 Downloads Survey Webmistress Guestbook Links

This section includes the list of anime that are introduced in Ganime. If you're interested in more of these anime's information, this is where you should start from.

Looking for anime pictures? Here is a picture collection of the anime introduced in Ganime.

Songs from various anime downloadable in Mp3 format here.

Come join in the survey to grade and evaluate the anime you've seen introduced in Ganime.

A page about the webmistress - CaT

Please feel free to sign in the guestbook, leave a message or comment before you leave. ^_^

Links to other Anime-related sites.

Have suggestions and/or comments on Ganime and/or other related subjects to share? Voice it all out here!
(Watch out for pop-ups)

Welcome all, to my very new website Ganime.
First of all, I would like to declare that this is not really an Anime Information Base. My purpose of creating Ganime is to simply show and recommend to everyone the most awesome Anime(s) that I have seen so far and at the same time provide some basic information, pictures and downloads for you to enjoy. It would be great if you would join in the surveys and help evaluate the Anime for Ganime and for fun!

Last but not least, I hope you will enjoy looking through Ganime. Thank you.

U p d a t e s

6th September 2004, Monday

Notice: The Mp3 Downloads sections updated during the previous update on the 28ve of August have been unfortunately closed for the moment due to problems met with the web host. They will be re-uploaded when another suitable web host has been found.

If you would like to download any of the mp3s that I may have from those sections, feel free to use the alternative of emailing me and requesting for them. However, please make sure that you have a Yahoo Mail account before you do so.

I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.

30th August 2004, Monday

Mp3 Downloads sections for the Anime Full Metal Alchemist (7), Get backers (7), Hellsing (2), One Piece (7) and X (4) have been opened.

These mp3s will be permanently hosted on Ganime for everyone's convenience.

If you have a request for other songs/mp3s from other Anime, feel free to fill in the short Suggestions Form to inform me.

28ve August 2004, Saturday

After a whole week of continuous working, straining and putting in of tons of effort, the second Anime section - Prince Of Tennis, is finally completed and up on Ganime!!
To view Prince Of Tennis's section, please click on the image below:

It includes a near-complete Character Information page of 80+ P.O.T. characters, a Picture Gallery of 200+ pictures of characters from all the various schools, and a Music Downloads page with about 8 permanent and ready-to-download-anytime P.O.T mp3s.

A Suggestions Form has also been added. Any feedback is welcome!

21st August 2004, Saturday

Finally, this site is getting worked on!! Today, the first Anime section of the website has been completed! It is on a new Anime - Samurai 7.
To view Samurai 7's section, please click on the image below:

Pages for the Anime, Picture gallery, Mp3 downloads and Survey have also been added. (They were broken links before)

About 26 various Anime surveys have been created under the Survey section. Please feel free to help us do the surveys to evaluate the ratings of those Anime.

Copyright© 2004 Ganime Since 21st August 2004 Email CaT: