Gate Keeper's Realm

In Bibical times, Michael was an archangel, a captain of other angels, in the realms of heaven. He was the mightiest of Heavens warriors. In fact, He was so powerful that it is said He stood beside God and fought Lucifer in the great battel of the skies. Michael defeated Satan and cast Him from God's glory to the dismal earth below. In reward for this act, He was given a great honor to serve the Lord Christ. He was to be the keeper of the keys to the pits of Hell.

Personal Information
Full NameMichael Eugene Simmons II
Date of BirthJuly 20, 1983
Birth PlaceTuscaloosa, Alabama
Father Michael Eugene Simmons I
Mother Wanda Gail Franklin Simmons
BrothersCurtis Wayne Simmons
Cecil Anthony Simmons

I am most certain I do not stand up to those standards; However my name is Michael and I am doing my best to serve the Lord in all the ways I can. On this page you will find information about me and my family. You will also learn about my eductaion and meet some of the friends and mentors I have meet along the way. Further more I will let you in on some of my hobbies, goals and dreams for my future in the carrer of Film Photography. Please feel free to stay as long as you like and come back for frequent updates. I just asked that you leave everything the way you found it. Please feel free to contact me at the address located at the bottom of this page and let me know if you find any mistakes (for I am no where close to perfect) or if you have any creative ideas. Thank you for visiting my site and I hope you will come back soon.

Below are links to my subrealms. Please visit these pages to get a full grasp of the wonders in this world.

the Gathering
the Learning Years

Country blues
My pictures
My pictures

Please visit my family site for information on my parents, brothers,and other who are fortunate enough (insert laughter) to be related to me.

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The background music you are hearing is "Angels amoung us", By "ALABMA".