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Georges Tafelmacher's
amateur art - gallery

My artist's name is ~ ~ a_head ~ ~

My gallery is opened since the 11th of October 1997
and has been often visited. On it's walls, you can see:
Many choises

a_head's art endeavours
=> a_head's homepage <=
=> amateur artist's Art gallery <=
=> making of pictures & drawings <=
=> a_head's swiss lighthome of Pully <=
=> swiss homepage in french <=

a_head's many homepage trials
* very first Homepage * (1997)
* ascii H-P figure * (1997)
* first Tables * (1998)
* elaborated Tables * (1998)
* first Frames * (1998)
* first simplified * (1999)
* another simplified * (2001)

a_head's other interests
* art in furniture *
* art in Politics *

Now that you are ready to browse through my pages, enjoy yourselves, sign the Guest-Books and then come back soon to visit this Gallery again, as it is being continously updated.

E-mail me if you want to share pictures with me

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These pages are , continously.

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artistic endeavours

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