•06.20.00 - The answer is yes, the only difference is, you will be able to tell when I update because I made at least a dozen variatuions of the one you just saw. I am still working on the buttons, and whatnot, so Its far from done. once again, if you have DBZ Pictures or Movies I can use, please send them to gabefrompreston@hotmail.com. Thanks.
•06.17.00 - Hey, Its been a long time since I have even touched this site, but I have decided to keep the site for myself. Anyone who wants to take it over, sorry. Summer finally came, and if I get bored enough, I might as well make a new layout and put up some much needed pictures and movies. (Oh, and please dont email me saying the picture of Goten is in the Goku section, I know.) If anyone has pictures or movies they would like to send me, please send them to gabefrompreston@hotmail.com and you will recieve...nothing, but I will give you credit. A side note - DBZ a-z is up to around 1,000 hits a day. Please tell your friends to help increase this increase!! Thanks.
•05.06.00 - Wow, Im so stupid. I deleted the main page and only had a copy of one that looked the same, but was outdated (has broken links and is missing a lot.) I didn't mean to do this and Ill fix the basic stuff, but I really don't feel like doing this site forever. If you are a webmaster with an exsisting page, please tell me and e-mail me at gabefrompreston@hotmail.com to take the reigns and continue this site. Oh well. There is a lot of stuff you deal with so make sure you know yer html!
•04.11.00 - Cartoon Network is apparantly going to show the new episodes (Garlic Jr.) one at a time every Saturday morning on 'Rising Sun' which starts 9:00 am, ET PT.
•04.09.00 - Cartoon Network said they were going to air the Garlic Jr. Saga on April 8th, but instead they only showed the first episode of the Saga. All we can do is wait and see if they play the rest during Toonami (5pm ET PT). Other than that, Toonami's 'Full Cycle' or all day marathon was good from what I saw. •03.29.00 - If you watch Dragon Ball Z on American television (ie the edited DBZ series on Cartoon Network, sorry Canada) then you are in luck. It is Official. Saturday, April 8th is the start of a 24 hour Toonami marathon, beginning at 6:00 am. It is also the day Cartoon Network will broadcast for the first time the Garlic Jr. mini series. I know tis is true because Cartoon Network already aired commercials advertising this event. I also believe the new episodes of DBZ (Trunks special and what not0 are still scheduled to air in fall 2000. Keep your eyes peeled and keep your browser on DBZ a-z for more info!
•This site is under heavy detailing. It was fist made a long time ago, but I didn't take any actions toward advertising because I didn't feel inclined. However, I recently fely like doing something because I hate school (stay in school) and I remembered this site, so Im adding animated GIFs, sounds, pictures, bio's, basically, I'm finishing the site, and its getting a little cosmetic surgury as I recently got Photoshop 5.5, so come back soon!!! NOTE: Upon completion this site will have 400+ animated GIFs and about 200 sounds. You can use them, but please link back to this site, and don't take credit for stuff you didn't do, because lets face it, you wouldn't like it either.
•Dragon Ball Z is airing on Cartoon Network every weekday at 5:00 eastern/standard time, also BRAND NEW episodes past everyone's return to earth (one's w/ Garlic jr. and beyond) planned to air in September. Box set of these out in summer.
•NEWS FLASH!!!: blah blah blah!