Wolf Lake Episode guide
episode title season air-date synopsis
Meat The Parents 101 9/19/01 A Seattle detective's (Det. John Kanin--Lou Diamond Phillips) girlfriend, Ruby Cates, disappears under strange circumstances// he follows her trail to a secluded town, called Wolf Lake, reclusive, and --unknown to Kanin-- peopled by werewolves. ( The wolf effects are good! cam )
The Changing 102 9/26/01 While questioning the locals, Kanin meets Sheriff Donner (Tim Matheson) and his daughter, Sofia// Sofia's friend has a big problem--could it be related to the police chasing someone the night before? They referred to a "runner". The town misfit sends Kanin to check out an old cemetery, which seems dedicated to teenaged deaths. Not all the clan survive the change.
Soup To Nuts 103 10/03/01 Kanin gets some soup for his flu from the local medicine man, Sherman, which sends him on a weird mind trip// the Sheriff asks him to come work for him--he accepts
Tastes Like Chicken 104 10/10/01 "Werewolves Anonymous"---can a leopard change its spots, or a werewolf its nature?? As they investigate a serial killer in the area, the Sheriff knows there's more to the story, and Kanin gets to work his first "real" case in Wolf lake..// Willard Cates is dying of cancer, and all the alpha males are itchy to try ruling the clan
Excitable Boy 105 10/24/01 When a member of the werewolf clan commits a serious crime, which could call attention to their hidden existence and jeopardize them all--only one penalty exists// a girl is raped, and says her assaillant was a wolf.(I must pay homage to Oingo Boingo here--"What is the law? NO SPILLED BLOOD!")
Four Feet Under 106 4/10/02 Willard Cates death is a mystery, but is ruled a "hunting accident" //His funeral is a sedate affair, and his daughter Ruby is a no-show...then a white wolf on the hill begins to howl, and other wolf voices join hers// Later, during a traffic stop, the Sheriff is shot 3 times// Sofia makes it to his side// Ruby marries Tyler, in order to protect John Kanin from harm, since she still loves him// Sheriff Donner walks her down the aisle, in her father's place. Donner looks good, for a man who'd been near death for a day!
Leader Of The Pack 107 4/17/02 The secret wolfen community of Wolf Lake gather to elect a new Alpha Male. The end result, according to Sherman, is a blood soaked, sexually charged, wildly action-packed evening and the most unlikely leader of all.(a funny ep)
Legend Of Lost Lenore 108 4/24/02 Kanin rents a haunted (?) house// A poor half-changed girl Lenore lives beneath the house where her family had lived// if she's seen, it's her death to pay- bad genes are NOT good for the pack!
If These Wolves Could Talk 109 5/01/02 Arthur Van Halen has been chasing were-wolves for some time// he has Ruby trapped in wolfen form and plans to expose Wolf Lake's secrets to his huge Internet audience// Luke is jealous when someone else pursues Sofia--"he's an UNGULATE, Sofia"- Damn, girl, get serious!

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