Shadows fall within the night
All memories abound
Hearts are in their loving place
Both souls of life avowed

Love to fill the earth with joy
So swiftly comes the stars
Moonbeams fall from gentle sky
This love so blessed from high

Looking at the gentle face
That fills my soul with peace
Brings me to the special place
Where silence always speaks

Magic that I always feel
When you are by my side
With gentleness that will prevail
As life does pass us by

You will always be to me
The life of breath to live
Every time I see you near
My heart is held captive

Answer to my only prayer
That every day will be
Cherished by the memory
Of what you mean to me.

 Author Francine Pucillo

True Love

While I give to you and you give to me
True love, true love....
So on and on it will always be,
True love, true love.
For you and I have a guardian angel on high
With nothing to do,
But to give to you and to give to me
Love forever true.

But to give to you and to give to me
Love forever true,
Love forever true.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm
Mmmmmmmmm   Mmmmmmmmmmm
But to give to you and to give to me
love forever true
Love forever true

By Patsy Cline

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copyrighted  by Gail048