Long ago, in a dream, a young Indian maiden was shown how Spider
Woman had spun her web. She was then shown how to weave the web into a
dream catcher and told it would be a special way for creation to catch
the good dreams and strengthen the connection between creation (Mother
Earth) and the spirit world ... so she began to weave the dream catcher.
When she awoke the next morning to greet Mother Sun, she saw colored beads caught in the strands of her web. As she gently touched one of the beads, Mother Sun spoke to her saying the beads were good dreams she had caught in her dream catcher during star time, and that unwell dreams had also been caught in the strands of the web, but had vanished in the warm, loving light of Mother Sun. The unwell dreams were gone and creation began to heal itself. Many others now look forward to star time because of this young Indian maiden. Midi compliments of Elan Micheals web site Page made by Gail049@Aol.com