Julia Heideman was born PRIVATE. She married (1) Raymond Harry White PRIVATE. He was born PRIVATE. She married (2) Harold Berndt PRIVATE. He was born October 03, 1912, and died March 04, 1961. Child of Julia Heideman and Raymond White is: Linda Joyce White, born PRIVATE. Child of Julia Heideman and Harold Berndt is: Brian Mitchell Berndt, born PRIVATE. |
Notes for Harold Berndt : | |||||||||||
Leader News Waupun-March 16, 1961:
Funeral services for Harold C. Berndt, Route 2, Markesan, were held Friday at the Krause Funeral Home in Markesan. Burial was in Mackford cemetery. Mr. Brendt's body was found on Tuesday, March 7, in a woods on the Clarence Johnson farm near Baraboo in Sauk County. He had been shot in the forehead with a .22 revoler. The death, believed to have occurred on March, 4, was ruled as suicide by Sauk county authorities but investigation is reported to be continuing. Mr. Berndt is survived by his wife, the former Julia Heideman White, Waupun; and his mother, Mrs. Essie Berndt, Manchester. |