Willem Van Loenen was born September 08, 1853 in Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherlands, and died July 01, 1916 in At the home of his daughter South Madison St., Waupun, Dodge County, Wisconsin. He married Jannetje (Jennie) Peters July 12, 1879 in Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherlands. She was born July 09, 1859 in Apeldoorn-Het Loo, Gelderland, Netherlands, and died December 27, 1895 in At her home in Trenton Center, Dodge County, Wisconsin. Children of Willem Van Loenen and Jannetje Peters are: Johann Gerard van Loenen, born July 10, 1878 in Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherlands; died June 05, 1879 in Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherlands. Geurt (Garret) van Loenen, born April 10, 1880 in Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherlands; died July 05, 1961 in Reedsburg Hospital, Reedsburg, Wisconsin. Geertje (Gertrude) van Loenen, born January 05, 1882 in Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherlands; died February 19, 1948 in At her home, 231 Walker St., Waupun, Dodge County, Wisconsin. Hendrikus Johannes van Loenen, born October 26, 1883 in Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherlands; died October 20, 1884 in Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherlands. Jannetje (Jennie) van Loenen, born March 15, 1885 in Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherlands; died January 23, 1933 in Waupun, Dodge County, Wisconsin. Hendrika Johanna van Loenen, born April 04, 1886 in Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherland; died October 28, 1974 in Waupun Memorial Hospital, Waupun, Dodge County, Wisconsin. Manerva (Minnie) van Loenen, born April 14, 1887 in Alto Township, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin; died February 05, 1920 in At the family home on South Madison St., Waupun, Dodge County, Wisconsin. Alice van Loenen, born April 27, 1888; died December 12, 1908 in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Appelton, Outagamie County, Wisconsin. John van Loenen, born September 13, 1891 in township of Trenton, Dodge County, Wisconsin; died 1958. |
Notes for Willem Van Loenen: | ||||||||||||||||||
Leader News, July 6, 1916;
William Van Loonen died Saturday at 11 o'clock, July 1st, 1916, of heart failure at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry Gerretson, So. Madison St. He was born in Holland on Sept. 8th, 1853, and was married to Miss Jennie Peters in July 1879, coming to America in 1889 and settled in Alto. his wife and one daughter, Alice, preceded him in death. He is survived by six children-Garret of Reedsburg, John of Hartford, Mrs. Hannah Van Buren of Alto, Mrs. Gertrude Gerretson, Mrs. Minnie Gerreson and Miss Jennie Van Loonen of Waupun. The funeral was held from the home on Monday at 2 o'clock p.m. Rev. J. J. Hollebrands officiating. Interment in the family lot at Trenton. The Waupun Democrat July 7, 1916: William Van Loenen, aged sixty-three, died suddenly Saturday, July 1, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harry Gerretson, of heart disease. Mr. Van Loenen was in his usual health, and had gone out of doors to sit in a hammock. When a member of the family went out to him, it was discovered that he was dead. Deceased was born in Holland, September 5, 1853, and was married in 1879 to Miss Jennie Peters. They came to America and settled in the town of Alto, and after Mrs. Van Loenen's death several years ago, Mr. Van Loenen came to this city to live. He is survived by two sons, Gerret of Reedsburg and John of Hartford, and four daughters, Mrs. Gertie Gerretson, Miss. Jennie Van Loenen, Mrs. Minnie Gerretson of Waupun, and Mrs. Hannah Van Buren, of Alto. The funeral was held Monday at 2 p.m. from the Gerretson home. Rev. J.J. Hollebrands officiating, with burial in the Trenton cemetery. Wm. Van Loenen is now at D. J. Boyle's furniture store, where he is prepared to do Upholstering, repairing and picture frames. Expect work. Prices reasonable. |
Notes for Jannetje (Jennie) Peters: | ||||||||||||||||||
VAN LONEN-At her home in Trenton Centre., Dec. 27, 1895 of consumption, Mrs. Jennie Peters Van Loenen, beloved wife of Wm. Van Loenen, in her 36th year. Deceased was born July 9, 1859, at Appledoera, Holland, Her childhood was spent in one of the King's houses on his estate at loo, and her early education was carefully looked after as one of the sevant girls, her occuption being "flower girl" for King William Van Lonen July 12, 1879. A husband and seven children remain to mourn her absence from their home circle. She died as a christian. In full assurance that where Christ is, there she will be also, her last words being cheerful and full of hope that she should meet her Savior where pain or want or sickness or sorrow could not enter to distees her more. Services were conducted at her home by the Rev. Mullendlke, pastor of the Holland church, she being a member of the Hervornede (Congreational) church in Appledeorn, at Loo, Holland, Europe. Interment was made in the Trenton Centre cemetery, after which services were conducted in the Town hall in English. "She will sleep, but not forever," |
Notes for Jannetje (Jennie) Van Loenen : | ||||||||||||||||||
Never married.
The Leader News-Dec. 28, 1933: Service Held Tuesday for Miss Van Loenen Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the Harry Gerritsen home for his sister-in-law, Miss Jennie Van Loenen, 49, who died early Saturday morning. She had been ill about a month. The services were in charge of the Rev. Anthony Karreman, and burial took place in the town of Trenton. Miss Van Loenen, who was born March 15, 1883 in the Netherlands, came to this country when a young girl. She has lived in this city for 28 years, and has been keeping house for her brother-in-law, Harry Gerritsen, since the death of his wife. Surviving her are two sisters and two brothers, Mrs. John Van Buren and Mrs. John Gerretson of Waupun and John Van Loenen of Milwaukee and Gerrit Van Loenen of Reedsburg. |
Notes for Alice van Loenen: | ||||||||||||||||||
The Waupun Leader News-December 16, 1908; An Appleton dispatch of the 12th inst., to the Sunday Sentinel says; Miss Alice Hull, the orphan co-ed at Lawrence college, who for three weeks had been ill at St. Elizabeth hospital and who underwent three operations in the length of time, died of peritonitis and a complication of diseases. Miss Hull, durning her brief stay of Appleton's wealthy people, who saw to it that she received the best possible care during her illness and who now will lool after her funeral. Wealthy Oshkosh people, also, who had become interested in the girl have volunteered to assist financially in the last tribute. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon from the residence of the Rev. H. T. Wiltsee of the Methodist church. Alice Hull is the name adopted by Miss Alice Van Loonen under which she entered Lawrence college through the generosity of several Oshkosh ladies. |