Because I have won so many wonderful awards from fellow genealogists I started an awards program of my own. If you would like to win my award, you must sign my guestbook and tell me why you should recieve my award and don't forget to include your URL and which award you would like to recieve. I will review your site and get back to you within a few days of your application. All I ask is that, if I award it to you, you provide a link back to my site.
Genealogy is a fascinating, time absorbing hobby. When coupled with the time and energy required to build a web site, the hours to create our “Labor of Love” can become quite extensive! If you would like to see past winners of my award, please click here. Also, please let me know which of the two awards above you are interested in receiving. Once your website is considered a winner, you'll receive a link on the Winners Page. As for most awards, The rules are simple but MUST be adhered to: 1. Your site must be a genealogy site. 2. Your site must be more than just a site full of links. Although I love links to new places, winning sites must have original content. 3. Your site must be a family friendly site. Do not apply if your site contains materials that could be deemed racist, hateful, pornographic, or illegal. I will not award sites with adult content. 4.Historical content, stories, photos, newspaper articles, census, records & documents etc. are a major bonus. 5. Family photos, love to see them. 6. Family stories, love to read them. 7. "Last updated" or "What’s New" page a bonus. 8. Must be a personal website about Genealogy. No commercial websites will be eligible. |
The Awards I have receive from fellow genealogists. I would like to thank all these great people for honoring me with these awards. Genealogy is a labor of love so please visit their wonderful site. |