The Lesbian Avengers was originally
founded in New York in 1992 by a group of lesbian activists from
ACT-UP. The purpose of the group is to identify and promote lesbian
issues and perspectives while empowering lesbians to become
experienced organizers who can participate in political rebellion.
The Avengers are inclusive and work with and for women of all colors
and classes; bisexual, heterosexual, and queer women; and trans and
intersex folks. Emphasis is placed highly on turning energy into
action, and using that energy constructively against heterosexist,
homophobic, heteronormative, classist, racist, sexist, and generally
oppressive forces and institutions in society and our own community.
There are about fifty-five Lesbian Avenger chapters, five of them
international. There is no national organization or structure, and
each chapter is locally founded and operated. Each chapter of the
Lesbian Avengers works in collaboration on major events like the
annual Dyke March and larger, national protests, as well as in
coalition with other progressive groups in their communities. Turn
energy into action. "Be the bomb you throw."