[Friday 8.00pm-12.00am ] [Saturday 2.30pm-1.00am]


Most frequently played games at The Games Circle

  • Tabletop Wargaming
    [Warhammer 40,000] [Warhammer Fantasy] [Blood Bowl] [Warmachine] [Confrontation] [Mordheim] [Necromunda] [Battle Fleet Gothic]
  • Boardgames
  • Role-Playing Games
    [Dungeon & Dragons] [Warhammer Quest] [Warhammer Roleplay]
2nd GC Warhammer League 2007
This league championship has been scheduled for May 2007.

1st GC Junior Open 2007
This 1500 pts tournament is opened to all participants of 15 years and below. Tournament is scheduled for mid-March 2007. Entrance fee = RM 20 for members / RM 25 for non-members.

1st GC Grand Tourney 2007
This 1750 pts tournament is opened to all participants. Tournament is scheduled for mid-April 2007. Entrance fee = RM 25 for members / RM 30 for non-members.

GC Blood Bowl Championships 2007 SEASON V
This long awaited tournament has finally been scheduled for early April 2007.

More Info on how Blood Bowl is played

MINIATURES PAINTING Miniatures Painting Sessions
Ever wonder how those impressive tiny little miniatures are painted? Come join the Painters of the Round Table and learn how to paint ( the RIGHT way ! ). We also organise Painting Workshops for those who are keen to take up the hobby seriously. Call Richard 016-4510940 for more details.

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This is where we pay tribute and recognition to GC members who have contributed significantly to the development of wargaming hobby in the Games Circle
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