Welcome to the GC Hall of Honour! This section of the website has been set up as a tribute and in honour of all GC members who has contributed significantly to the development of wargaming in Malaysia.

Khai Weng is GC's legendary terrain-making master. Almost 95% of the GC hand-made terrains were produce by this creative terrain-architect. With his imaginative ideas, Khai Weng has certainly brought the level of wargaming in the Games Circle to new heights.

Check out Khai Weng's terrain artwork here

Nicholas Chew is GC's legendary miniatures painter. If there's any Golden Demon Tournament in Malaysia, he'll probably win it hands down, assuming he's able to complete the miniature in time, of coz. Nick's paintings will probably leave you breathless. A class of his own, Nick has definitely set the benchmark for the others to continuously improve on their own painting standards.

Check out Nick Chew's legendary miniature artworks here

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