If you'd like to become a Screaming Eagle, please fill out the form below.

Tip: use our servers, get to know the members, and let us get to know you before you decide you want to become a Screaming Eagle.
Your E-mail address:
Your instant messaging name:
Your Gaming Name:
Your Name:
Your Age: Location:
Your Preferred Team:
Preferred Weapons:  (list 2)
Did you have the MP Demo? If so, how long?
How long have you had Vietcong?
On a scale of 1-10 (1 being "unbeatable" and 10 being "worse than my dead grandma") how would you rate yourself as a VC player?
Comments about your skills:            *OPTIONAL*
Explain how you found out about Vietcong:
Explain how you found out about this website:
Explain what aspects of Vietcong make it enjoyable for you, and keep you coming back for more:
Have you ever been in another clan? If so, include the name and the clan URL.
Clan name(s): Clan URL(s):
Why do you want to become a Screaming Eagle?
Credentials:  (screenshots of your scores in the past)         *OPTIONAL*
<<< List URL's of screenshots
Any additional information you would like to add:             *OPTIONAL*
Before you click submit, you must agree to these terms:

I will uphold and exhibit The Screaming Eagles' values of Honor, Justice, and Integrity.
I will try to keep my profane language (if any) to a minimum during clan matches.
I will show up to scheduled practices and matches.
I will keep my leader informed. (f.e. - vacations, reasons for missing a practice, etc)
I will not disrespect a fellow member of The Screaming Eagles Vietcong clan by cursing at him/her or individualizing him/her for any odd reason.
I will not participate in activities whose sole purpose is to detract from the developer's intent on how Vietcong was meant to be played.
I will frequently visit my e-mail Inbox and the ]SE[ forum/ website to stay informed and know how our schedule is set up.
(C) 2003 The Screaming Eagles.  All rights reserved.