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Mahsati Ganjavi


      Mahsati Ganjavi-XII century Azery poetess. There is a little information about her life. There exists a number of controversial suggestions concerning Mahsati:was she really a historical personality? did she live before or after Omar Khayyam?where was she born?

      The recent researches showed that Mahsati was born at the end of XIth century in Ganja, received perfect education, closely acquainted with the Eastern literature and music.

      The most productive period of creation she spent in palace of Sultan Mahmud Seldjuk and his uncle Sanjar Seldjuk's palace.Mahsati Ganjavi commonly wrote rubai on Percian language.

         Mahsati Ganjavi was a famous rubai writer not only in her epoch, but much more later. The love plot holds the main place in her creations. The rubais are marked out by their wordliness, humanism, epicurism and optimism. Mahsati ganjavi describes love as a fragile natural feeling which makes a man's fame higher. The poetess protested against religious prejudices, hypocricy, conservatism and protected a man's moral freedom. Her poems reflected the people's, especially women's, romantic dreams of a free and happy life. The monument for M.Ganjavi

            There are a street, a school, pedagogical college and other places named after Mahsati Ganjavi. There is a Museum of Mahsati Ganjavi in Ganja. The monument of Mahsati Ganjavi was erected in 1980.

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