Pictures One
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Cyclamin this was a surprise. Two years after planting .Almost fall . Had forgotten.
This is one of many such that show up to visit the small ponds I've installed in our gardens.
One year I put small twigs from out of the woods on the rail of our deck. This was one of frequent visitors.
Sedum sorry I don't remember name.
This garden is built above ground using treated wood .
This view off the deck ,facing north.
Water lilly in Jons garden pond.
Jons garden pond .
Page 2
Spider lilly ?
Wild Life
Hunting & Fishing
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Bee balm with bee
Magnolia gardens   South Carolina
Water lilly
Obedient plant
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Bleeding Hearts
Giant Pink Columbine
Check out guest map !
Cool Pic
First thirtynine entrys
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