Stargate SG-1 Crossover Stories


This is a page of links found by the members of the CrossGate List. I do not guarantee the quality of the stories present. If you are looking for recommendations or story reviews, please join CrossGate Mailing list


7 Days

Parker's Knowledge by Michael Longstreet
When the SGC is destroyed by an alien artifact, Frank Parker must go back 7 seven days and try to prevent the disaster from occurring.


SG-A by Javelin
The A-Team's final mission for Gen. Stockwell sends them to meets up with the SGC.


Vathara's Airwolf/Stargate Series
The Wolfpack takes a hard look at Cheyenne Mountain and find someone they know . . .
This series has more than 10 stories at last check. Starts with "Sneaking"



Past CIA, Present Stargate, Future, Who knows? by Krismarief
Suppose Sydney Bristow of Alias spent her two missing years in the Stargate program. Will she go back? (R)



Lost and Found 2: Fitting In by T. Gatlin
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/Aliens/Stargate Crossover - No Summary Available



Eye of the Storm by JA Baker
After the Stargate malfunctions, SG1 find themselves with a visitor from 5000-years in the future. And when he is kidnapped by NID, the SGC finds itself coming to the attention of an organisation as powerful as the Asgard... The crew of the Andromeda recover a metal ring from a old High Guard base...

Hidden Motives by BrianHG
Andromeda unravels a Neitzchian plot while the SG1 team tries to prevent an invasion of earth.

Knife Edge by JA Baker
Sequel to Eye of the Storm; SG-1 is sent to investigate the destruction of one of Anubis' bases, and run into friends they never expected to see again...



Cloud Nine by Lizzie
While ascended, Daniel Jackson meets someone. Heliopolis Link

Buffy/Stargate Crossovers have their own page. Due to the nature of the high cross-ability between Angel and Buffy, only stories that are PURELY Angel will be listed here.

To see combination stories, continue to CrossGate: Buffy



Animaniacs (or why you should never give Jack the remote...) by Xandria and Dr. Kate
Just some crazy Animaniac antics. Heliopolis Link



Oh by AniMajor
~sigh~ poor Daniel. Animorphs-Stargate Crossover

SGA Stargate Animorphs by Tobias's cat dude
Animorphs Stargate sg1 crossover. A Fanfic wrote at midnight about Sg1 and a few other characters gate to an alternate Earth where the Animorphs are. PG-13 for violence and mild language.

The Exchange by Andalite Girl
Jake and Jack switch minds and all hell breaks lose.



Ninja Avenger by Gategrrl
Daniel and miniJack lurk in the shadows of CO Springs righting wrongs. Just what are Sam and Teal'c up to? (G) Heliopolis Link


Babylon 5

Expect the Unexpected by Col. Kathryn O'Neill
Larger Crossover with Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Farscape, and Babylon 5 - WIP


Battlestar Galactica

Evolutions-Gleanings of Past and Future by Albert Green Jr.
Star trek-Battlestar Galactica x-over. The Colonial survivors of the great migration as found a haven in the Federation. But now past revelations and unholy imperatives are beginning to germinate into a future that may destroy the entire Alpha quadrant. *See Author's Note* Before Reading

Halls of Osiris by PSC
No Summary Available

The Lost Warrior Series by NeilGartner

  • Farscape: The Lost Warrior - Part 1
    Lt. Sheba unexpectedly joins the motley crew of Moya and things goes from bad to worse for everyone when the Goa'uld shows up. (Farscape/Battlestar: Galactica/SG-1)
  • Farscape: The Lost Warrior- Part 2
    Scorpius has captured a Stargate and a member of SG-1. Can John Crichton stop him, even with the help from the Galactica and the SGC? (Farscape/Battlestar: Galactica/SG-1
  • Farscape: The Lost Warrior - Part 3
    Jolinar & Samantha with a unlikely ally fight to save John Crichton from the Goa'uld. Farscape/Battlestar: Galactica/Stargate)

Patience by Texan
Potential set the stage for a war that would span the universe. Patience explores numerous back stories. (PG-13) Crossover with Highlander, JAG, Battlestar Galactica, The X-Files, and Tom Clancy. Sequel to "Potentials"

Potentials by Texan
What happens when SG-1, with resident immortals meet up with the Galactica? A war that could span the universe. (PG-13) Crossover with Highlander and Battlestar Galactica.

The Thirteenth Colony Series AKA: Crossroads by SG07
The Colonial Fleet continue their search for the lost Thirteenth Tribe. The fleet has intercepted strange radio communications that are curiously in the old Kobol language. Vipers are sent to investigate. SG-1 discover a crashed ship and rescue it's pilot. The arrival of the pilot, will forever turn the tide of the war against the Goa'uld. - Secondary Link 1 - Heliopolis Link


Books of Amber

This Isn't the Wine Cellar by Danielle Frances Ducrest (Flatlander)
What if Luke hadn't spent all of his drug-induced Shadow traveling in the bar with the Mad Hatter and Humpty Dumpty?



CrossGate: Buffy.
Buffy /Stargate Crossover Links have their own page.
Please note that this listing is still under construction.

Until the page is ready, check out: Twisting the Hellmouth - A Buffy Crossover Archive - featuring a section for Stargate Crossovers (more than 140 stories at last check)

Chain Reaction

River Run by Tiffany Park
While searching for a missing SG team on an alien world, SG-3 encounters a dry riverbed filled with pretty flowers. Crossover with the Sci-Fi Channel's "Chain Reaction" alien artichokes. R



Agent DXS 119653 by anjana
AR Fic P&L. Leo is a spy and his mission is to kill Piper.

Aliens? by CharmedAli
What do you mean aliens?


Daffy Duck

Duck! by Tiffany Park
Teal'c and daring space hero Duck Dodgers team up to save the Earth from the evil machinations of Marvin the Martian. Crossover with "Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2th Century.



Winter's Gifts by Sylvia
Three boys meet and become friends in the middle of winter in New York, and what happens when someone tries to kill them. PG-13. Matt Murdock (Daredevil), Daniel Jackson (SG-1), and Bobby Goren (Law & Order: Criminal Intent)


Dexter's Laboratory

X-treme Science by Tiffany Park
When a Boy Genius and his hyperactive sister invade the SGC, the unhappy members of SG-1 discover that they have no talent at babysitting precocious children. Meanwhile, the Goa'uld System Lords are plotting a terrible revenge against the Earth. PG-13



The Luggage by Kernel
SG-1 encounter The Luggage . . .

SG1 Goes to the Discworld by Perry Tratchett
SG1 go to the Discworld and are routed. (PG-13)

SG1 and the Magician's Apprentice by Perry Tratchett
Sam comes back through the gate with some unique abilities, so the rest of Sg1 go to the Discworld for help. The Tok'ra show up with problems of their own... (PG-13)


Doctor Who

Casual Conversation by aces
Just some observations on a certain ascended archaeologist. Heliopolis Link

Dr. Who meets SG1 by Nathan2k3
TARDIS intercepts the wormhole and SG1 emerges on the TARDIS. Only humour can come of that.

Full Circle by xoemac
The SGC and UNIT join forces to defend Earth against Anubis, while on an alien world an old ally of UNIT's and his companion find themselves prisoners of the Goa'uld.

Spacial Anomaly by Mara Jade, Jedi
SG1 stumble across a peculiar craft in space.



Amended Orders by Brenna
Sam and John are old friends. Sam gets the SGC involved in John's Rescue - WIP
(Crossover with Farscape and eventually ER) - Secondary Link

Something Old, Something New by Victoria May
ERs Dr. John Carter is offered a job at SGC by Dr. Janet Frasier


Early Edition

Dreamwatch by Fiery Fred
Something makes SG-1 experience nightmares, but O'Neill comes off worst of all...

Timed Out by Polgana
This treats the episode 'Time' as the very last episode, as it was originally meant to be. Tragic events befall our hero. Can Gary overcome a devastating disability in order to carry on his duties to the paper . . . and himself? Crossover with, Touched By An Angel, Stargate, Diagnosis Murder, and ER.

Vacation, Chicago Style by Polgana
SG-1 is finally ordered to take time off. Daniel and Jack decide to spend part of that time in Jack's home town. And then they meet Gary....


Earth Final Conflict

Cruel Incursions by Kara B.
A Stargate SG-1/Earth: Final Conflict Crossover

Dark Resurrection by Andrew James Williams
When a Goa'uld System Lord steals an advanced propulsion system from the Tollan SG-1 are called upon to help retrieve it leading them into one of their greatest adventures yet.

From the Ashes by Kara B
A Stargate SG-1/Earth: Final Conflict Crossover - Includes the Tok'Ra

Gateways by Loui
SG-1 take an unplanned detour to another dimension and end up taking a couple of friends back to their own dimension for a nice, relaxing time - not! Secondary Link



Amended Orders by Brenna
Sam and John are old friends. Sam gets the SGC involved in John's Rescue - WIP
(Crossover with Farscape and eventually ER) - Secondary Link

Expect the Unexpected by Col. Kathryn O'Neill
Larger Crossover with Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Farscape, and Babylon 5 - WIP

The Lost Warrior Series by NeilGartner

  • Farscape: The Lost Warrior - Part 1
    Lt. Sheba unexpectedly joins the motley crew of Moya and things goes from bad to worse for everyone when the Goa'uld shows up. (Farscape/Battlestar: Galactica/SG-1)
  • Farscape: The Lost Warrior- Part 2
    Scorpius has captured a Stargate and a member of SG-1. Can John Crichton stop him, even with the help from the Galactica and the SGC? (Farscape/Battlestar: Galactica/SG-1
  • Farscape: The Lost Warrior - Part 3
    Jolinar & Samantha with a unlikely ally fight to save John Crichton from the Goa'uld. Farscape/Battlestar: Galactica/Stargate)

Going Home Again by Dawn Cunningham
John Crichton and Richie Ryan have some tough choices to make after meeting SG-1 - Fourth in her Farscape/Highlander crossover series.

Mortality 101 by Mark Sherstone
Part 1 co-written with Anthony Docimo - Part two co-written with Stephanie Jeansonne
Summary unavailable - Story will not be completed

Present and Future by PhoebeADA
The SG-1 team finds a human on an alien planet. Someone of Sam's past.... John Crichton finds a way back to earth and takes Aeryn and half of the Moya crew with him. Will they be able to comeback? - Secondary Link

Starscape by MALar
Crichton and Aeryn encounter SG-1 on a planet in the UT. PG-13 - Secondary Link Link3
Farscape FanFic 2002 Award for Best Crossover

When Wormholes Collide
A Farscape / Stargate SG-1 / Choose Your Own Adventure Crossover

RedBeard's Farscape Fan-Fiction Archive - Farscape Archive that features a crossover section.


Forever Knight

Jack? by Teri
Jack takes a leave of absence, which leads his team to find out about his past (Stargate/MacGyver) Guest Stars: Nick Knight Secondary Link

Knight and Day Series by L.E McMurray

  • Knight And Day
    Needing to disappear, Daniel goes to an old friend for help.
  • Small Changes
    After finding her on Kheb Daniel brings his daughter home. Prequel to Knight And Day
  • Unwanted Destiny
    Daniel finds the day he's dreaded coming closer and closer. Sequel to Knight And Day.
  • Awakened Ancients
    Daniel and Ari get used to having Sha're back in their lives but Ari's destruction of the Goa'uld has awakened an ancient evil. Sequel to Unwanted Destiny.

Secondary Link & Stargate Novel Archive


Who you gonna call?

Goa'uldbusters! by Tiffany Park
SG-1 versus Gozer the Destructor! Response to the "Bad Dream, Jack?"

Walking Cliche by Ana Lyssie Cotton
Ghostbusters meets Stargate in an alternate ending to the season 8 episode Lockdown. After all, c'mon, I wasn't the ONLY one thinkin' "Who ya gonna call?"


Godzilla: The Series

Out To Launch by Vathara
Janet Fraiser discovers just about anything can turn up on a Florida vacation . . . . (Rated PG)


Greek Mythology

See Hercules, Xena, and Greek Mythology


Gundam Wing

The Road to Oz by Anne Olsen
When a gateway is unintentionally opened, two unrelated missions become one desperate struggle for survival. SG1 and the Gundam pilots must join forces to take control of a weapon that could affect the future of both their worlds.


Harry Potter

CrossGate: Harry Potter
Harry Potter /Stargate Crossover Links have their own page.


Hercules, Xena, & Greek Mythology

Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts by Michael Longstreet Heliopolis Link
SG-1 encounters Ares, a Goa'uld who turns out not to be what he appears. (Greek Mythology)

False Gods by Deborah Wright
The SG-1 team step through the stargate and unexpectedly arrive on a world full of gods and legends. Now how do they get back home? Secondary Link

Gabrielle and Jolinar by Daniel Wackerman
This story is the sequel to 'Gabrielle's Chakram'. Gabrielle returns to her home world, with a *most* unexpected friend and ally. (Xena)

Gabrielle's 'Chackram' by Daniel Stevens
Gabrielle goes on a most unexpected one-way trip. (Xena)

It's Greek to Me Series by Skylark

*Not* One and the Same by Lea31
Hathor maybe.. not really.. but she is referred to.. The Apple (Hercules: The Legendary Journeys)

The Stargate by Ceridwen
SG-1 gate to a planet and find themselves in Ancient Greece. OR - Hercules and Iolaus are being called to a village to battle strange monsters and discover a large, round object. (Hercules: TLJ)



CrossGate: Highlander
Highlander /Stargate Crossover Links have their own page.


Indiana Jones

Indiana Jones and the Ring of Ra by Fiery Fred
It's 1939. Europe is on the brink of war. Indy's dad asks him to help out an old colleague. And the adventure begins...


The Invisible Man: The Series

Actualize This by Helena Handbasket
SG-1/Sentinel/I-Man. Jim and Blair are forced to endure a weekend teamwork-building retreat.



All For Three by Joanna
When the ladies of Stargate and JAG are kidnapped by Colonel Makepeace, the men must rescue them. (JAG, Pensacola) Heliopolis Link

Eagles and Weasels by Celli Lane
When the higher-ups in the Marines notice the frequent fatalities at Cheyenne Mountain, they send in JAG officers to investigate. The outcome isn't what any of them expected.

New Life, A by Brenna
Two that were lost have been found, but the road to their new life won't be easy. (also Crossover with Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan). Secondary Link

Patience by Texan
Potential set the stage for a war that would span the universe. Patience explores numerous back stories. (PG-13) Highlander, JAG, Battlestar Galactica, The X-Files, and Tom Clancy. Sequel to "Potentials"

SG-1 Jags the X-Files by Perry Tratchett
The Judge Advocate General's department are approached by the SGC to act as advocates for an FBI agent who was held captive by a bunch of Goa'uld infested Asgards. They get involved in a messy RPG while they try to rescue his soul. (R) Crossover with Jag and The X-Files.

SG-13 The Suicide Squad by Cesar Perez
A group of hardened convicts join the SGC as the suicide squad. No one will ever be quite the same again. (R) Daniel/Sam, Jack/Janet. Crossover with Jag and West Wing.


James Bond

Gate Under Fire by Minarvia
When the SGC discovered a new threat, they must call in for help outside of the US.


Joan of Arcadia

The Big Moments by icecountry
When God decides to stick his nose in again, lives are turned sideways and upside-down. WIP.


La Femme Nikita

A Matter of Timing by Karrenia
Secrets and those who keep them. SG-1/Highlander - Starring Michael & Nikita

Law & Order: Criminal Intent

Winter's Gifts by Sylvia
Three boys meet and become friends in the middle of winter in New York, and what happens when someone tries to kill them. PG-13. Matt Murdock (Daredevil), Daniel Jackson (SG-1), and Bobby Goren (Law & Order: Criminal Intent)



It's Genetic by Cjay
The team uncovers some interesting history involving the Colonel..


Lord of the Rings

Sling Shot by Writegirl
Sg1 gets shot into the LOTR world.

Unsatisfactory Report by Marcus L. Rowland
100-word SG1 / LoTR crossover drabble - G

Why Do I Love You? by Lynsey Jane
Sam Carter, Aragorn, yes, completely odd, but I think it will work, but how will Arwen react?
(Current Link Unknown)



A Certain Blond Major by PaBurke
PG-15 - Drabble A must read for MASH fans - Heliopolis Link



CrossGate: MacGyver
MacGyver/Stargate Crossover Links have their own page.


Magnificent Seven

In the Eyes of the Beholder by Peta Collins and Leigh Richards
After the events in "Seth" SG-1 discovers that 300 zats are missing. (Magnificent Seven: ATF AU)

SG-7 Series by Deb
Rivalling SG-1 in fame among the select few who know the secret of the Stargate is SG-7, lead by Col. Chris Larabee.- (By request this link is to the main page of the site, click on universe index and scroll down to find the story)



A Case of Nerves by Ted Sadler
Crossover between Stargate SG-1 and Detective Monk.


The Mummy Returns

Desert Storm by Coffee Bean
A year after The Mummy Returns the O'Connell's are studying a large stone circle when it activates sending four travellers through. Just in time to get involved in a fight with yet another new evil.

Fleeting Shadows by Slef
Stargate SG1 / The Mummy (1999) crossover



Swinegate by Allie O'Neal & Ted Sadler
The Crossover to End All Crossovers (Very Funny!) Secondary Link, Heliopolis Link


Pensacola: Wings of Gold

All For Three by Joanna
When the ladies of Stargate and JAG are kidnapped by Colonel Makepeace, the men must rescue them. (JAG, Pensacola) Heliopolis Link


Power Rangers

The Great Power by neoqueencricker
Two forces come together to find a power before only thought of as myth, but are they willing to make the ultimate sacrifices?

Special Case by Mandolin
An eventful Stargate mission raises questions about a rookie lieutenant. What's a former Ranger to do when the truth might come out? Sequel: Full Fathom Five


The Pretender

Centre of Attention by Denise
Jarod, Miss Parker, Sydney, Broots, Mr. Lyle, Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c, Hammond and....ewwe Maybourne - Nuff said. - Crossover with 'Pretender' and 'Profiler.' Heliopolis Link

Close Encounters by Jewel
Jarod teams up with SG-1 and tries to help a group of certain teenagers . . . (Pretender & Roswell) Heliopolis Link

Crossover by Mac
Jarod pretends to be a rock expert and is assigned to SG-1. Meanwhile, Miss Parker receives a mysterious tip that leads them to a classified military base under Cheyenne mountain.

New Member of the Team is by LoverOfFanFics
This is a crossover between SG-1, MacGyver, and Pretender. What would happen when a new member joined the team and he knew who Jack really was.

Project Gatekeeper by Andalite Girl
Daniel's past is all a lie. Now the Centre is after him.

Revelation by @online
Daniel has to talk with Jack about something. Heliopolis Link

Rock on, Jarod by Mac T
Jarod pretends to be a rock expert and is assigned to SG-1. Meanwhile, Miss Parker recieves a mysterious tip that leads them to a classified military base under Cheyenne mountain. Heliopolis Link

Sleeping Dogs by Eve
Jarod has no intention of letting sleeping dogs lye, he's in the Cheyenne mountain complex to investigate Armin Selig's murder. A strange illness spreads through the base. Heliopolis Link



Centre of Attention by Denise
Jarod, Miss Parker, Sydney, Broots, Mr. Lyle, Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c, Hammond and....ewwe Maybourne - Nuff said. - Crossover with 'Pretender' and 'Profiler.' Heliopolis Link

Wrong Turn by Brionhet
An intersection, made rather complicated by a couple of coincidences. Winner of "Best Crossover" in the 2002 Stargate Fan Fiction Awards. Heliopolis Link


Quantum Leap

Infinite Repercussions by Lingren
Dr. Sam Beckett leaps into Daniel Jackson, causing him to become a little 'flakey', but it also means he gets to become a hero too. Heliopolis Link

Interference Patterns by BT
Dr. Sam Beckett leaps into Daniel Jackson just before a mission and has to figure out what in the universe is going on.

One Giant Leap for Mankind by sophiedb
Dr Sam Beckett Leaps into a member of SG1.

The Present Crisis by Sandman
A time traveler from the near future gets a taste of Daniel's life and things just get complicated from there.


Rainbow 6

The Report by JA Baker
General Hammond receives a report on O'Neill and Carter, and the President sends two men to evaluate the SGC.


Relic Hunter

Can't Teach an Old Pirate New Tricks by akire
Sydney is conned into telling another story from her Immortal youth. (PG) Also with Highlander

Sometimes It Don't Mean Jack by Winter Skye
A short SG-1 RH crossover. Daniel has his own adventures. (PG-13)

Welcome to the Game by akire
Claudia's had a distressing little 'accident,' and Sydney tells her how she first died to make the new girl feel a little better. (Part 5 of the 'First Time I Died' series) PG also crossed with Highlander


Close Encounters by Jewel
Jarod teams up with SG-1 and tries to help a group of certain teenagers . . . (Pretender & Roswell,) Heliopolis Link

Closer to your Enemies by Danielle Frances Ducrest (Flatlander)
King Zan goes to the SGC to negotiate a peace treaty between his people and Earth, but one of his guards isn't trustworthy. He destroys the Stargate controls so they can't follow him, and gets away with all the information in the SGC database. Now, SG-1 and King Zan are in a race against time to get to the granilith before the Skins invade Earth.

The Royal Four by Danielle Frances Ducrest (Flatlander)
Stargate Command discovers yet another alien race, but they're not the friendly kind. They're known to some as the Skins, and they've come to Earth to offer a trade-hand over the Royal Four, or they'll go to war with Earth.

In Sights Unseen by Danielle Frances Ducrest (Flatlander)
The Skins have invaded the SGC...but only Jonas Quinn and Princess Vilandra of the Royal Four are aware of the fact. No one else at the base can see or hear them. However, neither Jonas nor Vilandra can warn the SGC about the foothold situation because the two of them are practically invisible.

Stargazers Stargaters by Jane
After college, Alex and Liz (from Roswell) join the SGC. As the Stargate gives up its secrets, will their new colleagues in SG1 learn about the secrets the two friends still carry? Will they ever "dial up" one planet's address in particular?


Scarecrow and Mrs. King

Expect the Unexpected by Col. Kathryn O'Neill
Larger Crossover with Scarecrow and Mrs. King, Farscape, and Babylon 5 - WIP

Seaquest DSV

Paradox by Suzie Bagley
SG-1 confronts a strange immortal disease that is plaguing FBI Agents Mulder and Scully. Secondary Link (Also includes Highlander & X-Files)

Parallel by Suzie Bagley - Sequel to Paradox
A mission to a seemingly deserted planet haunts the SGC when Daniel Jackson and Fox Mulder start behaving out of character several days later. Secondary Link (Also includes Highlander & X-Files)



CrossGate: Sentinel
Sentinel /Stargate Crossover Links have their own page.
Please note this listing is still under construction.

In the mean time, try to find Sentinel Stories.

Sesame Street

SG1 Goes to Sesame Street by Perry Tratchett
Our intrepid heroes go to a planet infested with Sesame street characters, who are really... (ah but that would spoil the story). It gets a bit messy and destructive. Lots of things get shot. (PG-13)


Shadow Chasers

Alliances by Sheila Paulson
Anthropologist Jonathan MacKensie has located a dangerous (PG)



Singularity by Kittsbud
In the aftermath of Exodus a new adventure emerges, but can Clark deal with his own family concerns and yet still save not only Smallville, but the whole world?


Star Trek

CrossGate: Star Trek
Star Trek /Stargate Crossover Links have their own page.
Links for Enterprise, Star Trek: TNG, DS9, & Voyager


 Star Wars

Deaths Spawn by Confushi Sushi
A new race spells trouble for everyone. (R)

Force by Mara Jade, Jedi
Sam's alone in a Galaxy far, far away...xover, SJ eventually

Knight at the SGC by elfin2
Stargate crossover with Star Wars universe but not characters. Jedi and Goa'uld and lots of Earth-side complications. Series 7.

Moment by Slef
The SG1 team meets a Jedi Knight ... Star Wars Episode 1

Third Side, The by Slef
Sequel to "Moment"... Close encounters of the Q kind?- Star Wars Ep. 1 & Star Trek TNG crossover



Judgement Call by Zena Uzep
No summary available

Men of the Stars by Teri
General Hammond calls in an old friend to be the new photo-historian of the SGC. WIP

What's in a Name by Zena Uzep
No summary available. Rated R for sexual content.



Time in a Box by Hesiril
Logan appears in the gateroom and Jack's not too happy about it.


Tom Clancy

New Life, A by Brenna
Two that were lost have been found, but the road to their new life won't be easy. (also Crossover with JAG). Secondary Link

Patience by Texan
Potential set the stage for a war that would span the universe. Patience explores numerous back stories. (PG-13) Highlander, JAG, Battlestar Galactica, The X-Files, and Tom Clancy. Sequel to "Potentials"


Tomb Raider

One Missing...? Series by cheeky_chaos

  • One Missing Artifact
    Lara is on the trial of an artifact and when she tries to steal it, she gets more than she bargained for! Because not only do SG-1 want the artifact, but someone else does too! Not to mention the NID . . .
  • One Missing Archaeologist
    Another routine mission goes wrong, and this time Jack is accused of killing Daniel! So when he needs help, he turns to his old friend, Lara Croft. But can they find Daniel before it's too late?
  • One Missing Tok'ra
    This time, when Jacob Carter goes missing, it is up to Lara Croft and SG-1 to bring him back! But can they do it?

Stargate Novel Archive


Tomorrow People

The Curse of Sekhmet by Ibonek
No Summary Available

The Gatekeepers Series by Meg/Sage
After Kawalsky's wife dies, Jack is left to reflect on the last seven years and the lives that have been lost. (PG-13) Secondary Link

Ibonekeon's Tomorrow People Series

  • Once Upon a Dream
    #1 in the series. Daniel's daughter has dreams of a mysterious Australian boy.
  • Remembrance by Ibonekoen
    #2 in the series. Adam has a brush with someone from his past and reveals more of his background to the TP.
  • For the Love of Adam Newman by Ibonekeon
    #3 in the series. Adam, Megabyte and Tamara have a run-in with Gou'alds

The Medusa Stone - Tears in Heaven Series by Anne Olsen
SG1 finds a manuscript that Daniel has trouble deciphering. An historian named Adam Pierson offers to help. (with Highlander and Tomorrow People). Secondary Link

Stranger Than Fiction by Anne Olsen
Sequel to "The Medusa Stone". Jack O'Neill on kids,history, and the immortal known as Methos.


Touched by An Angel

Truth, The by sweetkitty
The SGC asks the Sentinel and Guide for help with a translation and the Gou'ald. While the Angels watch over Daryl until he reaches his father in Oklahoma. Sequel to 'The Rebirth of Sentinel and Guide.' (PG-13) Also Sentinel, Highlander Secondary Link


The West Wing

Gates of War Series by Rebecca Ratliff
Jack is captured by Ba'al. Help comes from a most unexpected (R) Secondary Link

SG-13 The Suicide Squad by Cesar Perez
A group of hardened convicts join the SGC as the suicide squad. No one will ever be quite the same again. (R) Daniel/Sam, Jack/Janet. Crossover with Jag and West Wing.


The Wizard of Oz

Off to See the Wizard by Fran Glass
Stargate SG-1/Wizard of Oz crossover. Illustrated.



Homing Coming Series by M. Edison

Paradox by Suzie Bagley
SG-1 confronts a strange immortal disease that is plaguing FBI Agents Mulder and Scully. Secondary Link (Also includes Highlander)

Parallel by Suzie Bagley - Sequel to Paradox
A mission to a seemingly deserted planet haunts the SGC when Daniel Jackson and Fox Mulder start behaving out of character several days later. Secondary Link (Also includes Highlander)

Patience by Texan
Potential set the stage for a war that would span the universe. Patience explores numerous back stories. (PG-13) Highlander, JAG, Battlestar Galactica, The X-Files, and Tom Clancy. Sequel to "Potentials"

Sceptics and Believers by Michelle Birkby
Muler and Scully investigate the Stargate.

SG-1 Jags the X-Files by Perry Tratchett
The Judge Advocate General's department are approached by the SGC to act as advocates for an FBI agent who was held captive by a bunch of Goa'uld infested Asgards. They get involved in a messy RPG while they try to rescue his soul. (R) Crossover with Jag and The X-Files.

Thoughts of Home by Edison, M
Far away from home, Samantha marks the birthday of her brother by thinking of home. (PG)



Far From Home by blackfox1
SG-1 goes threw the gate and team up with the X-men. How is SG-1 going to get home when the see the Stargate disappear?

Stargate Meets X-Men by shadowphoenix
The NID get their hands on the X-Men. - (Link not found).


 Xena: Warrior Princess

See Hercules, Xena, and Greek Mythology



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Page Last Updated: August 22, 2004