
Gary Owen Fitzpatrick

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High-temperature direct energy conversion devices and systems


BS, Physics, California Institute of Technology, Caltech , 1965

The Big T, 1965
Lee A. DuBridge, President, Google Search: Lee+A.+DuBridge
Physics Faculty
Carl Anderson, Chairman, The Nobel Prize in Physics 1936
Richard Feynman, The Nobel Prize in Physics 1965
Murray Gell-Mann, The Nobel Prize in Physics 1969
George Zweig, Google Search: George+Zweig
Robert Christy, Google Search: Robert+Christy
Charles Barnes, Google Search: Charles+Barnes
James Van Putten, Google Search: James+Van+Putten
Jerome Pine, Google Search: Jerome+Pine
Alvin Tollestrup, Google Search: Alvin+Tollestrup
Ward Whaling, Google Search: Ward+Whaling
Ricardo Gomez, Google Search: Ricardo+Gomez
Rochus Vogt, Google Search: Rochus+Vogt
Richard Sutton, Google Search: Richard+Sutton
Victor Neher, Google Search: Victor+Neher
Robert Leighton, National Academy of Sciences, Robert Leighton, Google Search: Robert+Leighton. I work for Leighton on Mount Wilson Observatory. Mount Wilson Observatory Here is the Principles of Modern Physics
Eugene Cowan, Google Search: Eugene+Cowan


1998 - Present: Board Member of International Thermionic Society

1992 - Present: Space Power, Inc. thermionic converter and development

1988 - 1992: President, Advanced Energy Technology, Inc. thermionic converters research and development Advanced Energy Technology, Inc. merged into Space Power, Inc.

1986: Stroke, Aphasia, MRI or Imaging Centers

1984 - 1986: Manager of thermionic technology programs at General Atomics, responsible for coordinated effort of Rasor Associates, Thermo Electron, and GA in the SP-100 Thermionic Technology Program. Work included technology impact assessment; UO2 fueled emitter analysis; fueled emitter capsule design, fabrication, and high temperature ceramic insulator development and testing for both out of-core and in-core systems.

1980 - 1984: Vice President and General Manager at Rasor Associates, Inc. responsible for direct energy conversion in both terrestrial and space power technologies.

1978 - 1980: Manager of DOE Advanced Thermionic Technology program, including theoretical analysis of plasma and surface physics, advanced component development, and insulator development.

1973 - 1978: Principal investigator responsible for design, development, and production of cylindrical thermionic converters for JPL advanced converter performance program.

1965 - 1973: General Atomics Responsible for electrical out-of-core testing, in-core testing, parasitic breakdown control of high temperature ceramic insulators and insulator coatings, both in vacuum and in cesium. Developed NDT techniques for testing thermal bonds in trilayer insulator structures.


- Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.

- Author or co-author of over 58 technical papers.

- Listed, American Men and Women of Science, Who's Who in West, Who's Who in Finance.

- Hatsopoulos Award, best paper - direct conversion, 1990 IECEC.

- Karl G. Hernquist Award, Goteborg, Sweden, 1993.

- Join November 21, 1960, Prof. J.(James) R. Musselman, American Judo and Jujitsu Federation

- Amateur Radio License, August 8, 1958, WV6BPS. Advanced, WA6YDP


"Thermionic Converter", number 4,667,126, date of patent May 19, 1987.

"Distributed Electrical Leads for Thermionic Converter" file with application as S-47, 507, July 19, 1977

Application in Process: "Thermionic Converter with Transparent Collector" serial number 07/419,903, filed October 11, 1989.



Thermionic Converters

1. "Transparent Thermionic Converters"

G.O. Fitzpatrick

Presented at the Thermionic Energy Conversion Specialist Conference, Eindhoven, University of Technology, Netherlands, October 1989

2. "Cascaded Thermionic Converters"

Fitzpatrick, G.O. and Daniel Allen

Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Physics of Thermionic Energy Converters, Sukhumi, Georgia, November 1991

3. "Cascaded Thermionic Converters"

Fitzpatrick, G.O., Daniel Allen and J.B. McVey

Ninth Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, NM, January 1992

4. "Partial Radiation Insulated Diode (PRID) for Space Nuclear Power Systems"

Fitzpatrick, G.O., D.T. Allen, G.L. Hatch and J.B. McVey

27th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, August 1992

5. "Demonstration of Close-Spaced Thermionic Converters"

Fitzpatrick, G.O., J. Lawless, Y. Nikolaev, S. Yeremin, A. Klinkov, J. McVey

28th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, August 1993

6. "Magnetic Field Reduction on High-Current Unignited Mode Thermionic Converter"

G. Fitzpatrick, N. Britt, Space Power, Inc.

Not presented here.

Twelfth Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Jan. 8 -12, 1995

7. "Close-Spaced Thermionic Converters with Active Spacing Control and Heat-Pipe Isothermal Emitters", pp. 920

G. Fitzpatrick, J. Koester, J. Change, and E. Britt, Space Power, Inc., J. McVey, Consultant

31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, August 11-16 1996

8. "Maximum Thermionic Energy Conversion Efficiency Based on the Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes" pp. 957

B. Moyzhes, Consultant G.O. Fitzpatrick Space Power, Inc

31st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, August 11-16, 1996

9. "Updated Perspective on the Potential for Thermionic Conversion to Meet 21st Century Energy Needs" pp. 1045

Gary O. Fitzpatrick and Edward J. Britt; Boris Moyzhes, Consultant

32nd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 1997

System Studies

10. "SAVTEC Thermionic Converter with an SP-100 Heat Source"

Fitzpatrick, G.O. and R.C. Dahlberg

Sixth Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, NM, January 1989

11. "Transparent Thermionic Converters and the STAR-C Nuclear Power System"

Fitzpatrick, G.O. and D.T. Allen

Anniversary Specialist Conference on Nuclear Power Engineering in Space" Obninsk, USSR, May 1990

12. "Thermionic Converter: Normal and Transparent Collectors"

Fitzpatrick, G.O. and D.T. Allen

Twenty-Fifth Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Reno, Nev., August 1990

13. "The STAR-C Nuclear Power System with High-Efficiency Transparent Thermionic Converters"

D.T. Allen, G.O. Fitzpatrick and D.M. Ernst

Eighth Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, NM, January 1991

14. "New Thermionic Converter for Out-of-Core Space Reactor Power Systems"

Fitzpatrick, G.O., D.T. Allen, G.L. Hatch, J.B. McVey and H.S. Bloomfield

27th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, August 1992

15. "Cascaded Thermionic Converters Applied to Space Nuclear Power Systems"

Fitzpatrick, G.O. and D.T. Allen

11th Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, NM, January 1994


Thermionic Converters

1. "The Test of a Thermionic Converter with a Graphite Sorption Cesium Reservoir,"

Yates, M.K. and G.O. Fitzpatrick, General Atomics, GA-9526, March 1970

2. "Long-Term Operation of Out-of-Pile Thermionic Converters,"

Yates, M.K., G.O. Fitzpatrick and J. Kay

Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, October 1970

3. "Advanced Converter Development,"

Fitzpatrick, G.O., N.S. Rasor, E.J. Britt, and L.K. Hansen

Presented at the Thermionic Conversion Specialist Meeting, Eindhoven, Netherland, September 1975

4. "A Test Facility for High Current Thermionic Converters, Including Initial Converter Test Results,"

G.O. Fitzpatrick, L.L. Begg, E.J. Britt, and N.S. Rasor

C00-2263-10, NSR 2-10, World Electrotechnical Conference, Moscow, USSR, July 1977

5. "Development of Very Large Thermionic Converters for Central Electric Power Plant,"

Fitzpatrick, G.O., L. L. Begg, E.J. Britt and N.S. Rasor

World Electrotechnical Conference, Moscow, USSR, July 1977

6. "Low Cost Cylindrical Converter for Measuring Lead Efficiencies,"

Hatch, G.L., L. Nakata, E J. Britt, G.O. Fitzpatrick

14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, August 1979

7. "ZEPO" - The World's Largest Thermionic Converter,"

Begg, L.L., and G.O. Fitzpatrick

14th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, August 1979

8. "Novel Converter Configurations for THX Development,"

Begg, L.L., M.S. Smith, B. Carlsmith, E.J. Britt and G.O. Fitzpatrick

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, May 1980

9. "High Temperature Cogeneration Combustor Design,"

Britt, E.J., R.S. Dick, G.O. Fitzpatrick and D.C. Johnson

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 1981

10. "Design of Series-Parallel Connected Thermionic Converter Arrays,"

McVey, J.B., E.J. Britt and G.O. Fitzpatrick

16th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 1981

11. "High Performance, Close-Spaced Thermionic Converters"

R.S. Dick, R. S., J.R. McVey, G.O. Fitzpatrick and E.J. Britt

18th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Orlando, Florida, August 1983

12. "Design and Testing of a Combustion-Heated Nineteen-Converters SAVTEC Array,"

Nyren T., M. Korringa, J. McVey, T. Sahines and G.O. Fitzpatrick

19th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Francisco, California, August 1984

Advanced Materials

13. "Cesium Sorption in Materials for Thermionic Converters,"

Yates, M.K. and G.O. Fitzpatrick

Thermionic Electrical Power Generation Symposium, Stresa, Italy, May 1968

14. "Cesium Sorption in Materials for Integral Reservoirs,"

Yates, M.K. and G.O. Fitzpatrick, GA-8771

Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, October 1968

15. "Cesium Sorption in Materials for Thermionic Converters,"

Fitzpatrick, G.O. and M.K. Yates

GA-8574, Vol., 2, April 1970

System Studies: Space

16. "Thermionics and its Application to the SPS,"

Fitzpatrick, G.O. and E.J. Britt

3rd NASA Conference on Radiation Energy Conversion, AMES Research Center, Moffett Field, California, January 1978

17. "Power Coupling Alternatives for the NEP Thermionic Power System,"

Manda, M.L., E.J. Britt and G.O. Fitzpatrick

JPL 955121, NSR 7-1, December 1978

18. "Collector Temperature Effects on the Performance of Advanced Thermionic Converters and Nuclear Electric Propulsion Systems,"

Dick, R.S., J. McVey, E.J. Britt and G.O. Fitzpatrick

15th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 1980

19. "Direct Conversion Nuclear Reactor Space Power Systems,"

Britt, E.J. and G.O. Fitzpatrick

17th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 1982

20. "SP-100 Thermionic Technology Program Status"

Holland, J.W., M.H. Horner, T.D. Gulden, F.N. Huffner, G.O. Fitzpatrick and E.J. Britt

Second Symposium Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion, Albuquerque, NM, January 1985

System Studies: Terrestrial

21. "Thermionic Topping of Electric Power Plants,"

E.J. Britt, G.O. Fitzpatrick and N.S. Rasor,

10th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Newark, Delaware, 1975

22. "Performance and Economics of a Modular Thermionic Topping System,"

Britt, E.J. and G.O. Fitzpatrick

Thermionic Conversion Specialists Meeting, Eindhoven, Netherlands, September 1975

23. "Thermionic Topping for Central Station Power Plants,"

E.J. Britt and G.O. Fitzpatrick

11th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Stateline, Nevada, September 1976

24. "Thermionic Central Station Power - The THX Approach,"

G.O. Fitzpatrick and E.J. Britt

Topical Report C00-2263-6, NSR 2-6, February 1977

25. "Increased Central Station Power Plant Efficiency with a Thermionic Topping System,"

Fitzpatrick, G.O., E.J. Britt and G. Carnasciali

12th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington, DC, September 1977

26. "Performance and Cost Evaluation for a Thermionic Topping Power Plant,"

G. Carnasciali, G.O. Fitzpatrick and E.J. Britt

ASME 77-WA/ENER-7 Meeting, November 1977

27. "Thermionic Energy Conversion for Solar Applications,"

E.J. Britt, G.O. Fitzpatrick and D. Jacobson

Solar Thermal Test Facilities Users Association, Golden, Colorado, April 1978

28. "Thermionic Power Plan Design Point Selection: The Economic Impact,"

G.O. Fitzpatrick and E.J. Britt

13th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, San Diego, CA, August 1978

29. "Increasing the Efficiency of Coal-Fired Steam Electric Plants with Thermionic Topping,"

O.S. Merrill, Division of Advanced Systems and Material Production, Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., M. Gunn, Division of Power Systems, Department of Energy, Washington DC, F.N. Huffman, Thermo Electron Corp., and G.O. Fitzpatrick, Rasor Associates, Inc., Fifth Energy Technology Conference, Washington DC, February 1978

30. "Terrestrial Thermionic Power Generation at Rasor Associates,"

G.O. Fitzpatrick and E.J. Britt

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, May 1980

31. "Electric Utility and Cogeneration Systems Applications of Thermionic Energy Conversion,"

R.S. Dick, E.J. Britt and G.O. Fitzpatrick

IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, May 1980

32. "Thermionic Converters for Increased Performance in Gas Turbine Power Plants,"

G.O. Fitzpatrick, E.J. Britt, R.S. Dick, R.F. Lohneiss, R.A. Sederquist and S.J. Lehman

16th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, August 1981

33. "High Temperature Thermionic Cogeneration,"

G.O. Fitzpatrick

International Gas Research Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 1981

Reactor Development

34. "Long Term Operations of Inpile and Out-of-Pile Converters,"

Yates, M.K., G.O. Fitzpatrick, J. Kay and D.E. Schwarzer

GA-9527, Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Carmel, California, October 1969

35. "Long Term Operations of In-Pile Thermionic Converters and Fuel Elements,"

Yates, M.K., G.O. Fitzpatrick, and D.E. Schwarzer

Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, October 1970

36. "Investigations of Cesium Discharges in Thermionic Fuel Elements,"

Fitzpatrick, G.O., M.K. Yates and J. Chin

Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, Miami Beach, Florida, October 1970

37. "In-Pile Thermionic Testing at Gulf General Atomic January 1969 - April 1970,"

Yates, M.K., D.E. Schwarzer and G.O. Fitzpatrick,

GACD-11000, February 1971

38. "Electric Discharges in Cesium in the Sheath Region of Thermionic Fuel Elements,"

Fitzpatrick, G.O., M.K. Yates and J. Chin

GACD-10316, April 1971

39. "Thermionic Fuel Element Development Program Status,"

Yates, M.K., J.W. Holland, D.T. Allen, G.O. Fitzpatrick, J.C. Grebetz and M.H. Horner

Thermionic Conversion Specialist Conference, San Diego, CA, October 1971

40. "Thermionic Fuel Element Testing at Gulf General Atomic,"

Yates, M.K., D.E. Schwarzer and G.O. Fitzpatrick,

Third International Conference on Thermionic Electrical Power Generation, Jülich, Federal Republic of Germany, June 1972

41. "Equipment and Techniques for the Utilization of Neutron Radiography with Thermionic Fuel Elements,"

Schwarzer, D.E., and G.O. Fitzpatrick

General Atomics, GULF-GA-A12521, March 1973


42. "EM Response of Shielded Cables: Numerical and Experimental Results,"

H.S. Cabayan, G.O. Fitzpatrick, and M.L. Robinson

INTELCOM RAD TECH, INTEL-RT 0001-078, IEEE G-AP Conference, Georgia, August 1974

43. "Shielding Effectiveness Studies for Satellite Cables,"

G.O. Fitzpatrick

Hughes Aircraft Company under Contract 04-701114-LR9, INTELCOM RAD TECH, INTEL-RT-6045-005, February 1, 1974