Personal Homepage of Gary7144 from Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada - Astrology, Chat, Games, Kamloops Links, Kamloops Pics, Kamloops Weather, LaunchCast Station, Music, Mp3's, Midi's, Radio Stations, WWF Videos, Yahoo Clubs, Yahoo Groups,
Welcome to my Website :o)
G a r y  7 1 4 4 ' s  W e b s i t e
Created on Jul 13th 2000
Updated on Feb 13th 2002
My Yahoo Profile
About Me
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Well if you're here at my website I guess you want to know something about me then huh? Or maybe you want to know everything about me? ;o) What I look like, My Family, What kinda Food, Movies & Music I like and alot of other stuff  "About me"

You wanna know where I live? You could look in
"Kamloops" I'm sure I'm around there somewhere, lol. There are some genral pics of the city of Kamloops and Links to other local websites for everything you want to know about Kamloops!

You wanna know all the kinds of 
Music I like, have a lookie and maybe even a Listen to my LaunchCast Music Station. I've just finished adding some Midi's for you to listen to, and download. I hope to soon have some Mp3's once I find someplace else to store them online.

Chat page has Links to the Chats & Messengers I use, and you can now see if I'm "Online" on Yahoo Messenger or ICQ and send Messages right from my website!

I hope that'll hold you over for a while till I can update my site again.

I guess for now if you wanna know more about me you'll just have to message me and ask
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