A Tribute To Old Time Country Music

Established 1998 (As Gary Sez)

Asher Sizemore & Little Jimmie

During the depression years of the 1930s, Asher Sizemore and his son, Little Jimmie, were very popular radio personalities, broadcasting mostly from Louisville KY. Jimmie was only about 5 years old when they started singing together. He won the hearts of children and adults everywhere as he sang songs like "Chawin’ Gum" or when he signed the show off with "As I Lay Me Down To Sleep". They were also regulars on WSM's Grand Ole Opry from 1933 to about 1943. Asher established a very successful mail-order service for their annual books of Hearth & Home Songs.(photo above) They also made transcription disc recordings that Asher syndicated to stations throughout the south and Midwest. Listen to these old radio broadcast's, and hear Asher and Little Jimmie sing right from their hearts. You will also hear Asher and announcer James Alderman as they sell the above mentioned song books. Folks, this is true historic country radio.

I want to thank Little Jimmie Sizemore for sending me the above photo of himself, and giving me his permission to display it on my web site. It is truly an honor to have a recent photo of one of the great legends and pioneers of country music radio. Thanks a million Jimmie!

A note from Little Jimmie:
I am really pleased with the work that you are doing and believe me, to be alive and be part of it, I think is the best. I think that my dad would be so happy to know that there are people like you that are keeping the old time singers and artist alive in the people's heart. Thanks again, Sincerely,
Little Jimmie

Below is one of Asher and Little Jimmie's complete radio shows. Show is in six excerpts to make it easy for those who are using dial up connections. Enjoy!

Intro Theme & Ride An Old Paint
by Asher & Jimmie

Chewing Gum
by Little Jimmie

That Tumbled Down Cabin
by Asher

Commercial by Asher & Buffalo Gals by Little Jimmie

Shake Hands With Mother Again
Asher & Little jimmie

Lay Me Down To Sleep
Little Jimmie
With closing by announcer James Alterman

From My Guestbook & E Mail

About 15 years ago, my wife and I purchased a box of old picture frames at an auction in Pasadena, Texas. When we opened one of them recently, there was a very nice picture under the photo that was showing...I sent a copy of the mystery photo to Chris Kulick of WSM radio in Nashville as the 2 folks in the photo were behind an old WSM microphone...Turns out it was of Asher Sizemore and Little Jimmie and he sent me the link to this site...If anyone would like a scanned copy of this wonderful photo, let me know and I'll forward a digital copy to you...

Tom Levi
Groesbeck, Texas

Hi Gary: I have a couple of songbooks...the one regarding "Buddy" is my favorite. I am one of Jimmie's 5 daughters...Susan, Sally, Kathy, Lisa, and Kelly. Anyone wishing info may contact me...I will see my Dad in October 2006.

Sally Sizemore Adams

I have 2 of Asher and Little Jimmie Sizemore song books with their pictures. One 1933 and the other is 1936. My mother ordered them for me because we listened to them on the radio. I was 5 years old and then 8.

Dorothy Miller

Hidden behind a picture of "The Good Shepherd", I found a picture of Asher & Little Jimmie! This site came up & told me who they were! Must of been special to my great aunt many years ago! Good, clean & fun music! Thanks & may God Bless You!


Hi Gary, What a great site you have !! I can remember Asher & Little Jimmie even though I was just a little girl back then. My father used to say they were related to us, but I do not know how. I am a genealogist and have yet to run across the relationship. My great aunt married Thomas Sizemore in Breathitt or Perry County KY. I have other relation who's ancestors came from Clay County KY, and they too lay claim to being related to Asher & Little Jimmie. If anyone knows their ancestry I would really like to hear about it. My email is joycehousereeve@webtv.net Thanks. Joyce
Oklahoma City, OK

Heard Asher & Jimmie on radio 1937 in Illinois.
Marvin Waldbeser
Grantsville, WV

I met little Jimmy tonight. He came out to a bar with a friend of a friend. We talked for about 2 hours. Part of me didn't believe he was who he said...so I looked him up. I was pleasantly supprised to find that it was him. Thanks for the info on the site. Maybe I'll be more trusting next time.


I was delighted to find some thing about Asher and Little Jimmy on my computer. I worked for Joan and Little Jimmy at the radio station in Jacksonsville, Arkansas in 1964. I had worked with Asher in Prestonsburg , Kentucky in 1958-59. I have recomended Asher, Buddy and Little Jimmy be put into the route 23 country museum in my hometown , Paintsville, Kentucky. Asher told me that Paintsville was his hometown also. I have had a great 50 year career in radio and Asher,Joan and Little Jimmy were very much a part of it. See web page bigjohntrimble.com. Thanks again.

Big John Trimble
Richmond, VA

Gary, let me add to what John said. We will definatly look into putting him into the Rt 23 country music museum. He is definatly a treasure that should not be forgotten.

Roger L. Burton
Paintsville, Kentucky

October 16, 2006

Buddy Sizemore's remains returned from Korea to U S after 56 years.
Click HERE to read this touching story.

To leave comments about Asher Sizemore and Little Jimmie, please sign my guestbook

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Please note: I realize no profit from these old radio broadcast's. They are intended to educate and keep the memory of the great legends and pioneers of country music alive.